How do I stop snack cravings?

I have recently moved from an extremely active outdoors lifestyle to an office job. To compensate I am eating a lot healthier, joined gym, go running and walk at lunch times.

But I can't stop snacking!! I think it is because I am so used to be being on my feet and running around and now that I am just sitting unless I am super busy I just want to snack.

I only bring fruit/ raw veg/ nuts with me now as I couldn't stop myself when I had a pack of cereal bars! But how do I stop myself wanting a snack? It is come to a point where I am trying to squash cravings with fruit and veg, so the calories add up and then I get home I am craving something salty and crunchy that I end up pieing out on tortilla chips, or having huge dinners.

I have tried drinking water whenever I want to eat something and drink a lot of green and herbal tea which helps a little. I know i'm not hungry- but don't seem to have the willpower to not eat any way :(

Any advice?


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    make sure there is nothing around u to eat till you get over the new transition.water, water, water, and heck, get that willpower back!, YOU CAN DO IT!,,, just say no,, get a hot pic beside u/