Introducing my self! New to boards.

hello everyone,

decided to come here and post on the community boards to see how everyone is doing. 2013 is starting off great for me so far. fitness goals are coming in nice and slow. A little story about my self, i use to weight about 245~ at about 5'7 as of last year late march. I looked in the mirror and said enough is enough. Something had to be done. I started to go to the gym, eating healthier, and most importantly, staying motivated. now i am weighing in at 181 ( current ). my goal is 170 by the end of summer, maybe even 165 if i keep my diet up!

I know how hard it is to lose weight, i have been there. Motivation is what gets you started on your journey but dedication is what gets you to your goals.

If anyone has recipes they'd like to share, i'm all ears! I am tired of eating plain chicken and vegetables!