Hello I have reduced 3 stone 5lbs so far in.....

Taffflash Posts: 3
edited January 15 in Introduce Yourself
19 weeks.

I did start with the weight watchers diet and YES it did help me but it came to a halt and now Im in the process on focusing on "FAT" loss and not "weight" loss.

My goal is to get my bodyfat from 31% to around 11-12%

I am bodybuilding 3 times a week and doing Hiit cardio 3 time a week also for 30 mins before breakfast.

My goal is to reduce fat while putting muscle on.

If anyone is in the same process I would love to hear how you done it or how are you finding it?

Im looking for help to work out my macro's and micro's. If anyone could help that would be great:)


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