weighing in the Am

why do the doctors recommend that you weigh in in the morning at the same time everyday? I have weighed myself first thing in the morning most days, and have had a weight loss, then I will weigh myself before bed and will have gained the weight back! Somebody please help!:sad:


  • slolson1986
    You are suppose to weigh yourself in the AM to stay consistent. Throughout the day you add lots of water weight and all the food you've eaten. I have a routine of getting up, using the bathroom and weighing myself naked.
  • chelsinicole
    As you go through the day, you eat, which adds to your weigh when its in your stomach. You can have up to 8 meals in there! You are lightest in the morning.
  • slvrcavchick03
    The reason they say to do this is because when you first wake up your body has digested all the food and processed everything from the day before. If you weigh in at night or later in the day then your body has that extra weight from the food/drink you have consumed during that day. Plus, it's always nicer to see that smaller number :)
  • khillman77
    Ohhhhhh ok thank you everyone I feel a lot better now!!:smile:
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    our weight will fluctuate during the day, and from day to day. and your weight will be lowest when you get up in the morning.

    i am one of those people who could drive myself nuts if i weighed every day or several times a day. so i limit myself to a couple of times a week. i only record my weight on wednesdays (cause i started my dieting on a wednesday). if it makes you unhappy watching the scale jump around, try to set a regular schedule of when & what you wear when you weigh and only once or twice a week.

    i go to a water aerobics class on wed. mornings, so i jump out of bed, into my suit & onto the scale before i grab breakfast & go to the gym. so it is the same weigh time & clothing every week. it gives me a more constant measurement.

    some folks like weighing daily. they try to watch how certain foods affect their weight & feel like they gain a better understanding of how what they eat is reflected in the weight they see (like eating too much sodium in take out chinese)

    you are making progress, don't let an evening weight discourage you. -katie
  • khillman77
    Thank you Katie. I also do water aerobics and I missed the morning class, so I went this evening and I weighed myself in my bathing suit and I just wanted to get back in the car and go home after I saw the weight gain, but I didn't.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Thank you Katie. I also do water aerobics and I missed the morning class, so I went this evening and I weighed myself in my bathing suit and I just wanted to get back in the car and go home after I saw the weight gain, but I didn't.

    Don't get discouraged. What the previous posters have told you is true... your weight will fluctuate by several pounds throughout the day. As mentioned if you weigh yourself in the morning, the food you ate the previous day is digested, so after you relieve yourself, you have "zeroed" out for the day. If you weigh at night, you will still fluctuate, because you will have had different factors throughout the day (amount eaten, drank, relieved, water retention due to sodium, exercise, TOM, etc...)

    Also, you are going to hit plateau at some point. When you hit that plateau, it isn't truly flat, you will go up and down around a certain point. So, don't get discouraged from a gain... its all part of the journey.
  • sboothe24
    sboothe24 Posts: 34
    Since everyone has pretty much answered the question for I dont have much to say but this lol Weigh once a week in the morning at the same time b/c you're weight will change alot during the week b/c of what you eat and drink. For instance you ma not have ate enoug fiber or drank enough water and you ma not be able to "empty out" like you normally would leaving you bloated. So it's not actually fat..its just waste. Water is the key for flushing our systems. The more the better :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I weigh as much as 3-4 pounds more at night than I do in the morning. It's because I drink so much water during the day I think. In the morning, the water is gone and I think it's a more accurate measure.