Optifast dieter in need of support



  • medicvaldez
    medicvaldez Posts: 42 Member
    I had to use it and hated it, fasting will make you lose weight but it doesn't fix the problem in your head...I only say this because you said you can't stick to a program. i've been there. I even had the lap band and ate myself through it so i had it deflated. Let me ask you this...once you reach a loss, and you are happy with your goal, what will prevent you from gaining it again? How many times have you lost and gained? We have issues with food and not having the power to respect it to nurish us, instead it's a crutch and we abuse it.
    when you say if someone has a suggestion on what to eat are you serious? if so, i can give you a billion ways to lose and have your back on good days and bad. optifast is EXPENSIVE, tastes like crap, and yeah it works, but for how long???
    i was just about 300 lbs started eating right excercising researching everything on why I ws failing then lost a **** ton of weight the right way, it sucks, it's hard but i feel so much better for figuring out what my issues were. I started MFP to track my intake and my macros and found so much support here its amazing!! i lost my first MFP pound this week and want to help anyone reach their goal while i reach mine. i've been on all the diets...but you know what...I finally found the "plan" that works and that is feeding your body!!! Great yummy fresh amazing FOODS!!! and my body loves me for it.
    I won't say it can't work because for some it can, but let me ask you this...have you ever made the right choices and stuck with them or have you given up before you ever tried. trying is more than a few months seeing seccess then quitting, it's giving 100% all the time because you love yourself and know you deserve it. Just my opinion but if i can lose 70ish pounds, get rid of insulin injections and eat my way through turkey burgers and sweet potato fries, I'd take it anyday over a shake.
    Good luck friend, add me if you'd like,
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I had to use it and hated it, fasting will make you lose weight but it doesn't fix the problem in your head...I only say this because you said you can't stick to a program. i've been there. I even had the lap band and ate myself through it so i had it deflated. Let me ask you this...once you reach a loss, and you are happy with your goal, what will prevent you from gaining it again? How many times have you lost and gained? We have issues with food and not having the power to respect it to nurish us, instead it's a crutch and we abuse it.
    when you say if someone has a suggestion on what to eat are you serious? if so, i can give you a billion ways to lose and have your back on good days and bad. optifast is EXPENSIVE, tastes like crap, and yeah it works, but for how long???
    i was just about 300 lbs started eating right excercising researching everything on why I ws failing then lost a **** ton of weight the right way, it sucks, it's hard but i feel so much better for figuring out what my issues were. I started MFP to track my intake and my macros and found so much support here its amazing!! i lost my first MFP pound this week and want to help anyone reach their goal while i reach mine. i've been on all the diets...but you know what...I finally found the "plan" that works and that is feeding your body!!! Great yummy fresh amazing FOODS!!! and my body loves me for it.
    I won't say it can't work because for some it can, but let me ask you this...have you ever made the right choices and stuck with them or have you given up before you ever tried. trying is more than a few months seeing seccess then quitting, it's giving 100% all the time because you love yourself and know you deserve it. Just my opinion but if i can lose 70ish pounds, get rid of insulin injections and eat my way through turkey burgers and sweet potato fries, I'd take it anyday over a shake.
    Good luck friend, add me if you'd like,

    This. A thousand times this. So much nicer & more eloquent than what I wanted to post.

  • medicvaldez
    medicvaldez Posts: 42 Member
    LOL thx :bigsmile: all intended with love xoxo
  • mcdermka
    mcdermka Posts: 17 Member
    I used Optifast for a 4 month period to start a medically supervised diet 2 years ago. I slowly transitioned to eating all healthy food. I lost over 70 pounds and have kept it off. For me, it was a way to re-set my eating habits. My doctor is awesome- We combined working with a nutritionist , adding in exercise, and learning how to eat only when hungry. I still log daily and learned that this has to be a life-style change. I am 57, healthier and stronger than I have ever been.

    Good luck on your journey.

    I too am 57 and struggling... thanks for the inspiration!