
Hello, everyone.

My name is Sabrina and I'm 17 and weigh 67kg (147 lbs) and 5"2. I used to be a 80kg 5" girl when I was just 12. After that, after getting fed up of constant bullying, I started to skipped dinner and only eat breakfast and lunch which only consisted of one packet of instant noodles for 2 consecutive years and lost 15 kg in process. But later, I started to become sick and such and after frequent meeting with a private doctor, I was charged with weak heart and developed cyst and blamed my "diet". Since then I stopped but I am super confused as another doctor (govt.) said I need to shed 40 lbs or else I will stop having menstruation. but with my weak heart how I am suppose to do heavy exercise. I tries to go back to my previous diet, but to no avail. Instead I had become weaker and weaker. After 2 years, I was sent to study abroad (UK) and placed in a boarding school which expect me to eat every meal they provided. Now, I do 1 hr ++ on Monday and 2 hrs Aerobic on Wednesday and sometimes 5 hours of walking (Duke of Edinburgh training). I even tried Weight loss pill but soon I realised it only waste of money.

So, my point is, I really need your advice to shed these extra pounds with my condition and my environment. This has distressed me greatly. Thank you.



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The doctor said you need to get down to 107 lbs to be healthy? I'd see another doctor.

    You have medical issues that might limit the exercise you can do. So you should really see a good doctor. But in the meantime, you need to be sure to eat healthy food, and eat enough food. You should be getting at least 1200-1300 calories a day - much more on days you're exercising 1-5 hours. You should be looking at 1500-2000 calories on those days.

    It's super important for you to get into the habit of eating healthy. Don't think in terms of diet or starvation - you want to think in terms of giving your body quality fuel, but just a little bit less fuel than it needs to run on a daily basis so you lose some weight.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    1. You can lose weight without doing tons of exercise.
    2. Feed your body properly - skipping dinner and only eating noodles are not giving you the nutrition you need.
    3. 5'2 and 147 is not massively overweight - what's your target?
    4. If you're 17 you could still be growing: strictly speaking you should be 18 to use this website.
    5. Well done on recognising that pills dont work!
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    If you have a congenital heart condition eating well is much more important than losing weight for cosmetic reasons. Don't diet. Instead, eat healthy foods and maintain moderate, enjoyable activity to give yourself the best chance of staying healthy. Best wishes.
  • 40 lbs after 33lbs lost. :frown: . Yes, I am planning to consult with a nutrionist but then I don't know when I have time. Okay, thank you, Jonathan. :) I'll try and watch out with the calories per meal provided.
  • Sorry, Melanie. I mistyped the number. I am 18 by the way, yes, I have given up on those "diet" 2 years ago. So, by only eating healthy diet, I can lose weight? Yes, it's not massively overweight but my target is 53 or 55 within those range because I am worried with what the doctor said about not having menstruation in near future. She said to shed some pounds and 40 pounds is preferable.
  • Thank you, Alan. It isn't for cosmetic reason, the doctor said if I don't shed some pounds, my menstruation will stop.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Sorry, Melanie. I mistyped the number. I am 18 by the way, yes, I have given up on those "diet" 2 years ago. So, by only eating healthy diet, I can lose weight? Yes, it's not massively overweight but my target is 53 or 55 within those range because I am worried with what the doctor said about not having menstruation in near future. She said to shed some pounds and 40 pounds is preferable.

    You certainly need to do some level of exercise to keep your body healthy and maintain your metabolism. What that exercise should be is something you should ask your doctor about. It's super important to eat the right amount of calories though - going too low or too high will be detrimental for both your weight and health.
  • Okay, noted. Thank you, Jonathan.
  • Confused,
    Any Doctor who would say these things to you should go for retraining. First of all, You my dear are not largely overweight. Now according to most caloric suggestions as long as you eat fewer calories the you burn you will lose weight. Now a sedentary teen at your weight needs 1968 calories a day to maintain that weight. So know that anything less then that will result in a loss. Now find a doctor that supports a healthy body weight , and proper maintenance for your health problems. And find someone to talk to about your struggles.
    btw- for a woman 5 foot tall appropriate weight is 104- 137

    Hope this helps-
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Thank you, Alan. It isn't for cosmetic reason, the doctor said if I don't shed some pounds, my menstruation will stop.

    I'd get a second opinion on that. Very obese women have children all the time, if being 40 lbs overweight prevented menses the US birthrate would have hit rock bottom by now.
  • Thank you, kensdeb. Now I can see a bigger picture. :)
  • Oh yeaahhhhh..... Why I never thought oof that. Thank you, Alan.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Something just occurred to me. Could you have misunderstood your dr? Amennoria is most often caused by wieght loss and excessive exercise. It seems mmuch more likely that that would be a risk factor for you, if you are even at risk at all.
  • That is because of lack of nutrition and having good food,I suggest you not to avoid lunch or dinner eat good food in it.You should have at least something in your meal,take fruits and vegetables that will help you in losing weight and go walking you will surely achieve your goal.
  • Misunderstood her? I showed the result from my private doctor to the one who work with government hospital and she clearly said that it was due to my previous unhealthy diet. But then she added that I need to lose weight (I was 65kg back then) 40lbs preferably or else I will stop menstruating. And I only missed one period since I started menstruate, so I don't think she was talking about Amenorrhea.
    Sorry if my words are jumbled around, English isn't my first language.
  • Thank you, Abner. I never skipped any meal when I am in boarding school environment. :)