Number on the scale went up, scale now deceased.

But really, I only went over on my food calorie goal twice (goal of 1430, not my net), and I almost never eat past that point, even when I have exercise calories. Granted, I wasn't as active this week, but I don't know that I was bad enough for my number to go UP, so what happened?

Details: Went up a pound, this is the fourth community weigh in, and I'm more disappointed in myself than surprised.

So now what? I feel discouraged, which is silly because it was just a pound, but we only weigh in once a week and I went from 2nd place week 2 to third place for week 3. I'm dreading what the numbers say for this weigh in.

So now what?


  • Anything can show an increase on the scale, because weight loss is not linear. It is a gradual process with many ups and downs (and side-steps) along the way.

    The increase on the scale could be due to many factors:
    1) The time of the month (your body naturally fluctuates in weight throughout the month- and even day)!
    2) Water retention (depending on the amount of sodium in your diet, and the amount of water you drink- you could be showing signs of water retention. I have gained 3lbs overnight because of water retention, and it takes a few days for my weight to get back to normal!
    3) Starting a new workout program or exercise regimen. (This can cause your muscles to hold on to excess water as you recover).
    4) Building muscle!!

    So all in all, what I am saying is that you should closely monitor your macros, and stay within the recommended sugar, carb, and sodium intakes, because those are some of the major culprits. Also- drink lots of water (I know it seems a little counter-intuitive) but it will help flush out some of the excess water and sodium in your system.
    And most of all- dont get discouraged! Take measurements and pictures, because every week is not going to be a great loss, and knowing that you can still see your body changing gives a lot of peace of mind. The scale is rarely the best judge of weight loss!

    So keep up the great work, and ignore the scale for a few days! You will rock this!
