Vitamin Supplements - absorption, does anyone know?

Just curious if anyone knows approximately how much of a daily multi-vitamin is absorbed into the system. I take one which has 150% DV of Vitamin A (75% as palmitate and 25% as beta carotene), but I also tend to eat foods high in vitamin A such as sweet potatoes, carrots etc. I want to be sure that I am not overloading my system with this vitamin because I know it can be very dangerous. Just wondering if anyone has scientific knowledge or understanding to answer this question.



  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    A lot of vitamins are water-soluble (B-vitamins, for example) so it's impossible to "overdose" on them. What your body doesn't need, it will just excrete through the urine. This is why your urine is sometimes very bright yellow/green after taking a multivitamin. Watch out for Vitamins A, D, E and K, as they're all fat soluble, meaning they're stored in the body and won't be excreted when they're consumed in excess. The only way the body "gets rid" of them is by metabolizing them and putting them to use. Don't worry about over-consumption though... it's unlikely you'll get too much unless you're purposely trying to do it!
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    you might absorb 15% of any iron supplement...if you're lucky...
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Don't go eating any polar bear livers, and you'll be just fine.
  • stephanieroses
    stephanieroses Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks everyone, that makes me feel a bit better... I just want to be cautious about keeping myself healthy and not overdoing it!

    ...Polar bear livers?? lol
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Thanks everyone, that makes me feel a bit better... I just want to be cautious about keeping myself healthy and not overdoing it!

    ...Polar bear livers?? lol

    Never heard that one? Polar bears eat so much fish that the livers contain enough vit A to be toxic to humans. You can get very sick, or even die from eating polar bear liver. Inuit people know this through generations of experience. Explorers from more temperate climates did not, and found out the hard way.
  • stephanieroses
    stephanieroses Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks everyone, that makes me feel a bit better... I just want to be cautious about keeping myself healthy and not overdoing it!

    ...Polar bear livers?? lol

    Never heard that one? Polar bears eat so much fish that the livers contain enough vit A to be toxic to humans. You can get very sick, or even die from eating polar bear liver. Inuit people know this through generations of experience. Explorers from more temperate climates did not, and found out the hard way.

    No, I had not heard that one but it makes perfect sense! Learn something new every day :)