Bad back made me gain weight, support please!

On feb 13 (wed) I pulled a muscle in my back and was unable to work out for 4 days. I was under my calorie count everyday but my mobility was extremely limited. I couldn't even lean forward in my car to turn up/down the radio while driving. Today is my weigh in and I've gained 2 pounds back. I'm still in the beginning stages of losing weight so to see my number go from 8 lbs lost to 6 is rather discouraging. My back is healed now and I've been able to go back to my normal routine since Sunday but I was really hoping to see 10 lbs lost and I'm upset.

I need encouraging words or success stories if you've had anything similar. This is the farthest I've ever stuck with a weight loss program but I'm almost ready to give up.


  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I would imagine it's a fluctuation or retained water from your injury/restarting exercise.