PROGRESS! 10 POUNDS! 5'7" 155-145

CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
I don't want to do the whole figuring out the photos thing (I will eventually) but wanted to share my 10-pound progress photos cause I feel great and my clothes fit! You can check out my profile- I cleared out all but the 2 comparison shots. Black outfit is at 155, orange at 145.

I'm 33 years old and 5'7". I dabbled around on MFP all fall, bouncing between a few pounds. I started tracking every day January 2, 2013, weighing 153.

I wanted a sustainable and comfortable small deficit, so I eat 1500 net. I always eat my exercise calories. Most weeks I actually have averaged between 1500-1600 net. I try to keep my carbs below 100, mainly for blood sugar control, but it definitely affects my appetite and weight in a good way to keep them low. I try to eat real, whole food, and I love meat, veggies and fat.

It's been 7 weeks and I have dropped 8 pounds. The first 6 happened pretty fast, and then I have been actually doing about .5 pounds every 5-6 days. My original goal weight was 135, but I will be fine wherever my weight settle keeping up my current lifestyle. I want to get stronger and lose 2-3 more inches everywhere.

Measurements (Jan 2-Feb 19)

Waist: From 31 to 29 inches
Belly: From 36 to 33 inches
Hips: From 42 to 39 inches

I'm a type I diabetic and have pretty much always done some kind of exercise. I do mostly body-weight exercises like lunges, squats, push-ups and assisted pull-ups. I also climb stairs, cycle and run. I like to mix it up, working out at the park and only a bit at the gym, so I wear a HRM and try to keep it up. I usually do something 30-60 minutes a day, sometimes just biking for transportation.

Thanks for all the encouragement, MFP!


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