Have you been inked and does your ink tell a story?



  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    "Hope" in Elvish (yes, Elvish, as in Lord of the Rings) on my left wrist- this was to help remind me that there is ALWAYS hope, and LOTR was a story that I was pretty much obsessed with because it also helped me keep hope. I was going through an extremely difficult time due to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and an abusive relationship. Now the tattoo also helps remind me of far I've come in my life, which helps me feel better about myself when I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything.

    I have Native American style feathers on my shoulder blades- one with warm colors (reds, oranges, etc.) and one with cool colors (blues, white). I've always loved the dichotomy of good v. bad, having a bit of both...the different colors symbolized that, and the feathers themselves are a tribute to the Sioux part of me.

    Black and red nautical star on my hip. That was just a fun one using my favorite color combo. Just so happens my fiance has the same tattoo but on his arm! No, it wasn't planned that way :)

    Two dolphins in a circle, tail-to-head with an 8-ball in the middle...this one is on my right side, where my ribs would be if I could see them :tongue: Random, I know. And yes, it was a spontaneous Vegas tattoo, but I don't regret it for a second. I've always wanted a dolphin tattoo, and I was in Vegas for an 8-ball pool tournament. I love pool, so that tattoo really blends too big loves of mine. Eventually I'm going to have a pillar of water twisting with a pillar of fire that will go up my side and kind of "cup" the dolphin tattoo. The fire pillar will twist around to my lower back where it will be part of the tail of the full-back phoenix tattoo I'll be getting sometime after my wedding. I've wanted a phoenix for years because I love the concept of a life reborn...of "dying" in a way but surviving and coming back stronger than ever.
  • SlvrFlame
    SlvrFlame Posts: 15 Member
    I have two. An eternity symbol with a diamond in/around the middle that I got with two friends (eternal friendship) on my left breast. On my right outer leg is a stone-work moon with gems embedded and a few ivy leaves/vines. The moon doesn't mean anything in particular. I'm fascinated by the moon and the artist designed this one for me. I fell in love with it as soon as he showed me.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    6 tats here...maybe changing one of them.
  • Fit_Vixen1
    I have 4. Yes, all of them tell a story.

    They all tell a story about a man named Jed, the poor mountaineer that barely kept his family fed.

  • BriUndead
    I have three tattoos. A shark rose on my right shoulder blade, a coy fish on my lower right arm, and a jaguar and snake on my lower left arm.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I have a paw print on my ankle for when I was a vet tech. I'm also a HUGE animal lover. Husband wanted to divorce me over it. He despises all tats and still can't stand to look at it. It's the size of a quarter so get over it already!
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    I have a flower band and butterfly on my right ankle.. youth, independence and beauty is what it represents. I have a large butterfly on my left ankle.. my transformation. I also have a fairy with angel wings on my back. She is crying and there is an eye in the wing. The eye is my mother and the fairy is me. The actual meaning is too personal to put on here but that one has the most meaning and it hurt the most!
  • terem00
    terem00 Posts: 176 Member
    7 tattoos here
    Some mean something and others don't
    I love my ink and can't wait to get more
    Before hubby and I got together he was as straight laced as they come, then he met me.....now he's pretty full of ink himself
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    I have 4. Yes, all of them tell a story.

    They all tell a story about a man named Jed, the poor mountaineer that barely kept his family fed.


  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Many people that know me well probably wouldn't know this about me but I have two tattoos - one on the back of each shoulder. The first one is a bulldog and was in memory of my beloved bulldog that passed. I also got this one to prove to my wife that even accountants can be unpredictable. (I got it when she and the boys were on vacation and I surprised her with it when she got home). The second is the Miami Dolphins logo and doesn't really carry any meaning other than it is my favorite team in any sport. I may get a third one of the Detroit Tigers olde English D as a reward for reaching my goal weight but I'm not sure where I would put it.

    I know these aren't very exciting and that many people have an almost spiritual connection with theirs. What do you have and what story does it tell?

    OP - my cousin is a Hall of Famer Dolphins player...Larry Csonka. :bigsmile:

    To answer your question - I'm pretty heavily tattooed. Some have stories. Some were just for fun.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I have 2. One is a pixie/butterfly type with the sun and the moon and stars in the wings. I love fairies/pixies and being from FL love the sun. Also the idea of reaching for my dreams no matter how far away they might seem. The second is a dragonfly because I love dragonflies but it's very muted colors. I've actually thought about getting the dragonfly removed because I don't want to make it any bigger than it already is to have it changed.

    I'm thinking of getting a Jacksonville Jaguars tattoo simply because I love the team :)

    I have an accounting and finance degree and I'm in my last semester of the Maters of Accountancy program. One day in class an instructor asked how many of us had tattoos and I was one of 2 people to raise my hand. He pointed out that very few accountants he knew had them and even though they are more "popular" even now the majority of people in the accounting profession don't get them.
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    I have over 25 tattoos and all of them have very personal meaning to me but the two that mean the most would be the one across my chest and the one on my right thigh. The one across my chest is Latin and it means 'Remember To Live' I got it a few months after trying to commit suicide, and it means to me that everyone dies but not everyone really lives, so it is a reminder that everyday is a gift and to live life to the fullest. The one on my right thigh is my newest one, still needs color added and all that but it is of a Koi fish pointing downwards which means that you've overcome a lot of things in your life and, to me, it means that I've overcome a lot of bad things that have happened in my short lifetime, I lost my brother when I was 18 years old then I lost my sister a few months after turning 19, along with other personal things and trying to take my own life twice, it is not to be shown off like some of my other tattoos but more personal to remind myself that I have been through hell and back but I am still here, I am still fighting to find peace within myself and in this world. Life may knock me down but I will keep getting back up, no more giving up. :heart:
  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    Yep 11 tatts. They mostly surround my hope and faith, losing my baby sister at 33yrs,family....all have a connection. I Love them!! Think I may be done, not sure, finished my last one a major arm piece two weeks ago. :D