What foods should I avoid for weight-loss?



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Anything that puts you over your calorie goal.
  • bakerseve17
    None of them. You can eat whatever you want as long as you stay under or around your calorie goal. The only thing that matters for weight-loss is calories in < calories out. It doesn't matter what those calories are made up of unless you are looking at things from a nutrition perspective on your macros, which still doesn't matter for straight weight-loss. Only health.

    okay, i am curious because im not that great with nutrition as well

    so say i eat a donut, i can get away with it, as long as i stay under my calorie intake?

    although, im sure it's best if i avoid the donut lol
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    None of them. You can eat whatever you want as long as you stay under or around your calorie goal. The only thing that matters for weight-loss is calories in < calories out. It doesn't matter what those calories are made up of unless you are looking at things from a nutrition perspective on your macros, which still doesn't matter for straight weight-loss. Only health.

    okay, i am curious because im not that great with nutrition as well

    so say i eat a donut, i can get away with it, as long as i stay under my calorie intake?

    although, im sure it's best if i avoid the donut lol

    Sure. Have the donut if there's room for it and you're hitting your other macros (protein/carb/fat). I have a nice 250 calorie beer now and then. Sometimes a few a week. Still losing.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    None of them. You can eat whatever you want as long as you stay under or around your calorie goal. The only thing that matters for weight-loss is calories in < calories out. It doesn't matter what those calories are made up of unless you are looking at things from a nutrition perspective on your macros, which still doesn't matter for straight weight-loss. Only health.

    okay, i am curious because im not that great with nutrition as well

    so say i eat a donut, i can get away with it, as long as i stay under my calorie intake?

    although, im sure it's best if i avoid the donut lol

    Yes. Carbs, fat, protein, oil, grease..whatever - they didn't make you fat. Eating at a caloric surplus makes us fat.

    So if a donut (which is like 1500-250 cals depending on the donut) fits into your calorie goals..go for it.

    I ate poptarts the other day. One package - 420 cals and I didn't go over my cals so it was all good. :D
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Stay away from rocky mountain oysters
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Absolutely you can eat anything from a calorie perspective. Doesn't mean you should! Your body DOES make distinctions, but for a majority of us, they are probably so minor in the big picture that they don't matter. Eat, watch your portions and calories, and enjoy.
  • bakerseve17

    Sure. Have the donut if there's room for it and you're hitting your other macros (protein/carb/fat). I have a nice 250 calorie beer now and then. Sometimes a few a week. Still losing.
    None of them. You can eat whatever you want as long as you stay under or around your calorie goal. The only thing that matters for weight-loss is calories in < calories out. It doesn't matter what those calories are made up of unless you are looking at things from a nutrition perspective on your macros, which still doesn't matter for straight weight-loss. Only health.

    okay, i am curious because im not that great with nutrition as well

    so say i eat a donut, i can get away with it, as long as i stay under my calorie intake?

    although, im sure it's best if i avoid the donut lol

    Yes. Carbs, fat, protein, oil, grease..whatever - they didn't make you fat. Eating at a caloric surplus makes us fat.

    So if a donut (which is like 1500-250 cals depending on the donut) fits into your calorie goals..go for it.

    I ate poptarts the other day. One package - 420 cals and I didn't go over my cals so it was all good. :D

    well it's nice to know that every once in a while if i give in, it won't completely throw me off! been about a month since ive really started watching what I eat and im still learning. Thanks!
  • morticiamom
    morticiamom Posts: 221 Member
    You don't need to avoid anything all the time, unless it's a 'trigger food' (ie you can't eat just one) or unless you have some underlying health problem.

    That being said, for maximum nutrition per calorie, eat dark colored veggies (whether dark orange like carrots, and yams, or dark red like beets, or dark green like kale and green beans), fish and/or other high quality protein sources, and if you eat grains, aim for whole ones. Do NOT worry if your protein intake goes over the MFP default value -- that value is set low.

    Some people like absolutes, but I do better with some 'wiggle room' and will eat things that don't meet those guidelines, like gingersnaps (omg LOVE 'em, or graham crackers with peanut butter) but for the most part I aim for the nutrient denser foods outlined above.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    None of them. You can eat whatever you want as long as you stay under or around your calorie goal. The only thing that matters for weight-loss is calories in < calories out. It doesn't matter what those calories are made up of unless you are looking at things from a nutrition perspective on your macros, which still doesn't matter for straight weight-loss. Only health.

    okay, i am curious because im not that great with nutrition as well

    so say i eat a donut, i can get away with it, as long as i stay under my calorie intake?

    although, im sure it's best if i avoid the donut lol

    Sure. Have the donut if there's room for it and you're hitting your other macros (protein/carb/fat). I have a nice 250 calorie beer now and then. Sometimes a few a week. Still losing.

    ^^ What he said. If it fits in your calorie goal you will still lose weight. If it fits in your macros you will still be healthy. Donuts are not the enemy! ;)
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Personally, I'm trying to minimize foods that are high in both sugar and/or fat.

    Fats don't need to be minimized, fat doesn't make you fat. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that the whole low fat/diet food/low sugar food industry is all a big con. They make millions out of telling us we need low fat food to lose weight. I'm starting to think it's all a big fat lie.

    You need dietary fat to absorb some vitamins. So, people who go all "low fat" crazy are probably less healthy than people who eat full fat foods.

  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    I've learned, Through here and Losing on my own. That it's everything in moderation. At first I was very very strict about everything, no chocolate, no sugar, no carbs, no this, no that. But its so hard to stick to.

    As long as your eating good quality fresh and non processed foods, they are good foods. Even if you eat the processed stuff- as long as they are made up up good quality items and low in calories, youre good.

    I try to stay within my calorie guidelines and at I've been losing ( 20 pounds in 4 weeks so far) with minimal exercise just because its hard for me to still find time to fit it in and im getting use to doing that instead of other things.

    I would suggest checking out some peoples diaries. You can check mine out. I ate a Paczki donut last night. But i was fffaaarrr away from being over my calories, I could have had two!. But I had one to get the craving away and Im good now. I also try to make sure im going to eat something that is generally not healthy- I try to to exercise that day so work it out. If i dont work out- i dont let myself eat it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Here is a complete list of foods to avoid (assuming no underlying medical condition):

    ====Begin list

    ====End list

    Other than that, make sure your calories in are less than your calories out.

    1. Foods you don't like
    2. Foods you are allergic to, or are intolerant/sensitive to
    3. Foods that take you over your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) on any given day

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Don't avoid anything unless you want to set youself up for an epic binge or eating disorder
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Rule of thumb: If you can't digest it, DON'T EAT IT!
  • Khole02
    I would say , anything processed, canned or that has a shelf life of more then 1 month also surgar. and keep it light on the Carbs (White rice, potatoes (white) noodles, french fries white breads). But it might not be for everybody, that is just what worked for me :)
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    There's no food you should or shouldn't eat for weight loss. Eating within your calorie budget will provide yo with weight loss. How you get those calories in is up to you.

    i disagree, but then i'm probably in the minority.

    i think you should avoid things like chips, sodas (diet or not), heavily processed anything. it's not about calories as much as it is about nutrition. once your body gets conditioned to work properly, it will take less effort to use it effectively.

    with that said, there are occasions where things like this are unavoidable, since we live in such a consumerist society. unless you surround yourself with people like yourself, you're bound to run into the grocery store cake on occasion.

    what has happened for me, is that so long as i avoid these things, the occasional appearance of them reminds me on first bite why i avoid them in the first place: they're very strong in sugar, grease or excessive flavor (the wrong kind of flavor) which is not my preference. the only reason it is not my preference is because i choose to cook my own food in general, so when other people (or companies) make it for me, i find it more vulgar and overdone.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Ummmm Donuts, I love donuts.

    I can't eat them because I am Celiac. Eat one for me please.

    Look up the twinkie diet, that might shed some light on your question. Should you eat nutritional food, absolutely but don't restrict yourself.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Avoid people that tell you to eat specific things

    Listen to people that tell you that you can eat as you please as long as it's in moderation.

    Or at least thats how I did it :)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If there is any true foods to avoid it is as much processed things as you can. This can be hard sometimes, and even I don't avoid processed stuff completely. I buy pastas, and sometimes canned beans, why? Because me trying to make pasta in my small apartment would be insanely hard to do...not to mention I don't even have room to store the devices needed for it. But buy the fresh fruits and veggies, not the stuff in a can. Try to make your sauces if possible, etc....

    Some people will say don't eat chocolate, don't eat cake, don't eat pie, etc....

    Honestly....eat them all...in moderation. Enjoy life...and part of enjoying life is enjoying good food with people you enjoy being with. The whole point is learning how to incorporate things you eat now into your life style, so that you are still maintaining and losing. Now...don't go all crazy and eat McDonald's every day...but every now and again, enjoy that Big Mac.
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    I don't know that much about nutrition, what foods should I avoid eating for a flat stomach and for weight loss? Thank you for your help :)

    Just fyi - you can't spot reduce. The only way to get that flat stomach is to lose the body fat.

    True, you can't actually lose fat in one area only, but you CAN get a flatter stomach by avoiding any foods that cause bloating for you personally. I can consume the same amount of calories and do the same exercises, but on a week when I'm avoiding dairy my stomach looks 10x flatter. This is because I have trouble digesting dairy products. I think avoiding processed foods for everyone (unnatural stuff is just harder to digest, and usually full of excess sodium), and gluten/dairy, etc. for those with intolerances/allergies, is good for reducing bloating and therefore making the stomach appear much flatter!