What's a maximal heart rate? Is it bad to go over?

I have been hearing a lot about the maximal heart rate when people exercise. I hear it is supposed to be 85% above your normal resting rate? I figured out mine is meant to be 196 b/m and when my heart rate reached 200 b/m (according to the elliptical trainer) the machine told me to lower my heart rate and decreased the difficulty. So does this mean that it's really bad to go over it? I'm not really sure how it works and I have no idea about this idea of working within a certain heartbeat range? Please help me so I can exercise efficiently!!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Usually max HR is figured by 220 - your age. You won't die if you go over that number but most people can't sustain exercise at that level for long. Usually if you get to a dangerously high HR your body will shut down and refuse to do more, a built in safety mechanism but you really don't want to push the point that you pass out.