Is my HRM trying to sabotage me?



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    It might be incorrect but probably isn't sabotage :wink:
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    It sounds reasonable to me. I'm smaller than you (5'2", 120lbs) but average a higher HR when I run (around 165 because I do til 190, walk til 150, repeat). In 35min (about 3.1miles), I burn about 330 calories. With a higher weight but much lower average HR during your workouts, yours seems reasonable.

    I had the same experience of my HRM (Polar FT7) being higher than the MFP calcs. On the treadmill, my HRM syncs with it and for the first half or so, the treadmill has higher calories than the HRM but by the end, the HRM is higher. I go with the HRM always and I've reached and exceeded my weight loss goal. I've been maintaining since late summer/early fall 2012. I'd say go with the HRM and eat most/all of your exercise calories back.

    If you check out my diary, ignore the recent stuff...I went paleo and went off logging, then moved to semi-paleo and haven't been able to eat enough calories most days since I started logging again.
  • mumx5
    mumx5 Posts: 325 Member
    Hello, everyone

    I have read a lot of horror stories here about people who purchased HRMs only to discover they weren't burning as many calories as they thought. I appear to have the opposite problem. If I log the 30 DS as circuit training, I get around 185 calories burned. My HRM says 233-246. Today I did a couple of miles on the treadmill. Although the HRM and the treadmill agreed upon my heart rate, they disagreed as to how many calories I burned. Treadmill: 200. HRM: 271. Could the programming be off in my Polar FT4? I know I was working hard. I had sweat pouring down my face, but still... Is it too much? I am almost 39, 5'4" and my weight is fluctuating between 138 and 140 right now. I don't do a whole lot of cardio, so maybe I'm just not in very great shape, but the numbers seem high to me. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

    I did the 30DS a few months ago. My cals burned according to my Polar FT4 was around 220 each session. I'm 5'2.5" and my weight then if I remember correctly was around 135lbs. So yes, your HRM reading seems correct to me.