starting here again- so hi~

decided to give this site another chance, this time to maybe get some support for the Insanity workout. talk to others that are doing it/ have done it. Im honestly scared to start it. scared, but at the same time I am excited as well. I tonight.
so some quick bits about myself, i guess for introduction's sake.
I have been overweight most of my life, starting from around the end of elementary school. home life was stressful and that certainly didnt help. years later i got diagnosed with depression, and went on meds for that. not long after i got married to my best friend of 7 years and we moved away from my hometown 1200 miles north. around that time i started packing on the lbs more so than when i was on my medications, and now 2 years later im 100lbs over weight.
it was about 4 years ago i had gotten within 10lbs of my goal weight. i want that back. so here i am. im tired of being fat, lonely, and out of breath constantly, and I decided to go big or go home with the insanity workout.
keeping a trashcan by me the first few weeks lol. heard it can be brutal~


  • Feel free to add me! I just joined a few weeks ago and am looking to lose about 50 lbs. All the help and support I can get to help motivate me would be great!

    Good for you starting the insanity workout! You will have to keep me posted on how you do! I am not sure I am ready for it yet, but I want to be :)
  • I will keep you posted. I dont think I am ready for it, but I never know till I try. I just have to put everything I have into this, and so do you!~ Im sure you will get to the point where you feel you can start it, if thats the way you want to go.
    Good luck~
  • davina_2502
    davina_2502 Posts: 16 Member
    starting again for the last time. need to lose 75 lbs. sounds horrible just saying it. feel free to add me!
  • I know your feeling and feel your pain..I lost a bunch of weight in 2010 then lost our home in a flood in 2011 and gained almost all if not all weight back, then picked myself back up again from depression and am getting back on track again- I've lost 40 lbs since last april and am still working at it (I had a lot to lose) I would love to help be a support to you :) Hang In There, Stay Strong, and I will help to have your back if you want me to :)
  • Hi, your story sounds kind of like mine...been over weight most of my life...or should I say I have always felt like the fat girl...I weighed 125 when I graduated in 1984, but i seemed to always feel like the fat friend. I always seemed to have a boyfriend through high school. In my senior year, broke up with the love of my life (his choice not mine) went on. I got married to someone else, had 2 wonderful daughters, got divorced. Then tried the marriage thing a couple more times. In 2008 I was living a miserable life with an alcoholic husband, when I heard that my high school sweetheart's younger brother had passed away suddenly at 38 years old. After meeting up with my love again at the funeral, I left the alcoholic (life is too short to be miserable, right!?!?!?!) and we and I have been together ever since. We eloped February 2012....and life is wonderful. He was slim in high school, but had gained about 150 pounds over the years (by the way....he never married). Now he has health issues (blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes) all due to his weight. So we are working is a slow didnt go on over night and it wont come off over night. We didnt even "exercise" the first month. I recently started swimming at the impact and I can swim as long or as short a time as I want to. He doesnt "exercise" but is active at his job (climbing ladders, assembling big structures) and he has lost about 25 pounds. I'm down 17.
    Would love to be friends on this does help to read others progress and hints.
  • thanks everyone~
    feel free to add me <3
  • starting again for the last time. need to lose 75 lbs. sounds horrible just saying it. feel free to add me!

    Hi~ welcome for the last time hopefully!~
    dont feel to down, there are people- *cough* like myself- that need to lose a bit more than 75lbs. actually my doctors want me to lose about 130lbs, but i dont go by them, i go by what looks and feels good on my body.
    I'm here for you anytime you want to talk, or need some support~ shoot me a message anytime. we will do this~
  • I know your feeling and feel your pain..I lost a bunch of weight in 2010 then lost our home in a flood in 2011 and gained almost all if not all weight back, then picked myself back up again from depression and am getting back on track again- I've lost 40 lbs since last april and am still working at it (I had a lot to lose) I would love to help be a support to you :) Hang In There, Stay Strong, and I will help to have your back if you want me to :)
    oh wow. im glad you were able to get back on track again. i know external sources have a big factor on our health and mental health as well. congrats on your weight loss, and keep it up~ you're so close :)
    I would love the support, i know this is going to be a long and difficult road, and im going to want to quit a lot, but i just cant give in anymore to that lazy person. i want to get back to being "me", you know?
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Everything you wrote...been there, done that! Anyway, this time around I'm going at it with a different and calm attitude. No panic if the scales bounce around a bit as I know there are all kinds of factors at work. I just figure it's a day by day thing and even though I'm not at my "goal weight" (11-12 to go), I'm still SO much better than where I was at 215. And this time I'm certain the loss I've made will stick because "I've got a new attitude"! (Thanks Patti LaBelle for those words!) So...get back to it and best wishes!
  • Hi, your story sounds kind of like mine...been over weight most of my life...or should I say I have always felt like the fat girl...I weighed 125 when I graduated in 1984, but i seemed to always feel like the fat friend. I always seemed to have a boyfriend through high school. In my senior year, broke up with the love of my life (his choice not mine) went on. I got married to someone else, had 2 wonderful daughters, got divorced. Then tried the marriage thing a couple more times. In 2008 I was living a miserable life with an alcoholic husband, when I heard that my high school sweetheart's younger brother had passed away suddenly at 38 years old. After meeting up with my love again at the funeral, I left the alcoholic (life is too short to be miserable, right!?!?!?!) and we and I have been together ever since. We eloped February 2012....and life is wonderful. He was slim in high school, but had gained about 150 pounds over the years (by the way....he never married). Now he has health issues (blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes) all due to his weight. So we are working is a slow didnt go on over night and it wont come off over night. We didnt even "exercise" the first month. I recently started swimming at the impact and I can swim as long or as short a time as I want to. He doesnt "exercise" but is active at his job (climbing ladders, assembling big structures) and he has lost about 25 pounds. I'm down 17.
    Would love to be friends on this does help to read others progress and hints.

    congratulations <3 my husband as well had weight to lose, he did his by running and just reducing calories- lucky guy- lost a lot of weight to get into boot camp, and his weight loss has continued through his C-school.
    he is one of the reasons i decided to start back up. to be the pretty wife, not the frumpy one < <
    hopefully we will get to our goals~
  • Everything you wrote...been there, done that! Anyway, this time around I'm going at it with a different and calm attitude. No panic if the scales bounce around a bit as I know there are all kinds of factors at work. I just figure it's a day by day thing and even though I'm not at my "goal weight" (11-12 to go), I'm still SO much better than where I was at 215. And this time I'm certain the loss I've made will stick because "I've got a new attitude"! (Thanks Patti LaBelle for those words!) So...get back to it and best wishes!

    ive had a past with eating disorders so i cant go anywhere near the scale. i even have to take certain precautions after i eat to make sure i dont spur on my eating disorder to flare back up again. i wont be weight myself until a month down the lane, after i finish day 30 of Insanity. my progress is just going to be judged by how i feel. im tired of being out of breath just by walking to get the mail. hopefully with a little will power and some determination, ill get to my goal this time and do it right for once.
    scales are not really what people should go by in my opinion. i think it should go by how you feel. not as out of breath, the jeans getting a bit looser, things like that.
    anyways, ive rambled, good luck on your journey~ and stick to it. :)