Macronutrients and Calorie help for Strength Training


Trying to figure out how much protein and calories my Fiancee should be taking in for fat loss and muscle gain while strength training.

Currently she is 212 pounds, 20 years old, 5'8". She is sedentary but is going to start weight lifting 3 times a week as well as light cardio and yoga on the other days of the week. She is insulin resistant with PCOS and needs to keep her carbs at a lowish level.

All the calculators I have seen tell her she should be eating 150 to over 200 grams of protein a day, and over 2000 calories. She has over 50 pounds to lose though and she's worried that it would take over 2 years to lose it all with that amount of calories. She would like to gain muscle and lose fat to be healthier and also to help make her back feel better (no core strength because of being sedentary and overweight for a while due to depression.)

Thanks in advance for any and all replies!