bio identical hormone replacement therapy???

Have any of you on here received BIHRT? I have had an underactive thyroid for 5+ yrs and over the last 2 yrs, my dr keeps telling my level is normal. But I have gained 20 lbs ove the last 13 months, extremely difficult to lose "A" lb, much less, multiple pounds. I want to sleep all the time, despite exercising regularly. I know some people that have received the hormone therapy and had good results w/ it, but they weren't over-wt like I am. I am 5'4" and currently at 175#. My body fat is 43%, which is horrible for me. I am a small frame. When I graduated HS, I was 103# and never had wt issues until my 3rd baby and. I weigh more now, than I did the day I delivered bambino #3 and that was 10 yrs ago.
I do exercise. My husband and I lift wts 3x wk. I go as heavy as I can and this morning it was to failure on several of my UB muscle groups. I also run 1-2 miles 2-3 days a wk. I don't eat "clean". But I do try to do high protein, low carb/fat. I drink 10-14 glasses of water daily.
I am being tested Fri to see if any of my hormones are out of whack. I know they are. I could literally sleep at all times, and it interferes w/ my life and I do not like feeling tired and fatigued at all times.
I'm praying that the Lord has heard my cries and I will find a treatment that works for me. If any of you have had success or even not, I would love to hear some input from you.
Thanks for humoring me!


  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi - I'm on month 4 of BIHRT. Do you have a doc or practitioner who prescribes bio-identicals regularly? I hope you can find someone familiar with bio-identicals because they can help so much. Even though your thyroid may be in the normal range, low normal is not optimal. Also be sure that your doc checks your T3 levels. Your T3s could still be low even if your T4s are normal. Are you taking your temp daily? I started Armour thyroid 4 months ago. It takes about 6 weeks for your body to adjust to the thyroid. I started on 1 grain then about 6 weeks later did another blood test and doubled my dose to 2 grains. I feel a big difference but my temps are still 96 - 97 so I am sure that in a few weeks they will raise my dose again. Since thyroid is an "up stream" hormone when it is "off" it impacts your other hormones synergistically. Also if you are in your mid 30s - 40's - your hormones are already freaking out. I also started on bio-identical sublingual progesterone and which has helped. I also take oil of evening primrose, iron and DIM supplements. Next month I am having another hormone panel taken and my doc wants to look at my levels and adjust.

    I have always been active - black belt in karate - aerobics instructor - lifted weights. About 2 years ago I had knee surgery and my body just rebelled and shut down. (My doc thinks that I was fighting some infection after the surgery that was too much for my thyroid) Hair started falling out, gained 20 lbs., and was so tired that even opening up an eyelid seemed like too much work. 4 months ago I found a doc who only does the bio-identicals - nothing else. I am still not 100% but am getting there. Good Luck!

    My doc recommended that I read the book "Stay Young and Sexy with Bio-identical Hormone Replacement" by Jonathan V. Wright MD

    If you have any questions let me know
  • amandacillin
    amandacillin Posts: 39 Member
    heymom93 wrote: »
    Hi - I'm on month 4 of BIHRT. Do you have a doc or practitioner who prescribes bio-identicals regularly? I hope you can find someone familiar with bio-identicals because they can help so much. Even though your thyroid may be in the normal range, low normal is not optimal. Also be sure that your doc checks your T3 levels. Your T3s could still be low even if your T4s are normal. Are you taking your temp daily? I started Armour thyroid 4 months ago. It takes about 6 weeks for your body to adjust to the thyroid. I started on 1 grain then about 6 weeks later did another blood test and doubled my dose to 2 grains. I feel a big difference but my temps are still 96 - 97 so I am sure that in a few weeks they will raise my dose again. Since thyroid is an "up stream" hormone when it is "off" it impacts your other hormones synergistically. Also if you are in your mid 30s - 40's - your hormones are already freaking out. I also started on bio-identical sublingual progesterone and which has helped. I also take oil of evening primrose, iron and DIM supplements. Next month I am having another hormone panel taken and my doc wants to look at my levels and adjust.

    I have always been active - black belt in karate - aerobics instructor - lifted weights. About 2 years ago I had knee surgery and my body just rebelled and shut down. (My doc thinks that I was fighting some infection after the surgery that was too much for my thyroid) Hair started falling out, gained 20 lbs., and was so tired that even opening up an eyelid seemed like too much work. 4 months ago I found a doc who only does the bio-identicals - nothing else. I am still not 100% but am getting there. Good Luck!

    My doc recommended that I read the book "Stay Young and Sexy with Bio-identical Hormone Replacement" by Jonathan V. Wright MD

    If you have any questions let me know

    EXACTLY THIS!! They changed my life!!! I have hypothyroidism, PCOS, and insulin resistance and for the first time in over 10 years I feel normal, energetic and can lose weight at a normal pace instead of busting my rear to lose a pound a month.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
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