62 pounds a year

Was bored and curious. Since I started my diet I stopped drinking soda. I decided to calculate how many calories that would equate to for a years worth of my soda drinking. I averaged 4 a day +/- usually mountain dew. That works out to an extra 218400 calories a year or an equivalent of 62 pounds.

Holy cow! I always knew in the back of my mind that it was not good for me (and on the scale and in the mirror) but I loved it, water with a burger or pizza no way.

Just one of those things that you don't think of but that one little change should go a long way over time.


  • I hear ya Scott.... I quit drinking soda all together almost 5 months ago now.... it was SO hard at first, and even now I get little cravings, especially when I see other people drinking soda. But I've made it this far and I'm pretty stubborn so I refuse to drink it at all. I really feel better not drinking soda.... it's just a small step towards feeling and being healthier. :)