how often should someone work out?



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Ummm....okay. Not sure why you're poking fun at that. :huh: People should get some sort of exercise every day. Just like you need to eat your fruits and veggies.

    The food pyramid made the US fat. The 30 minutes a day is making the US lazy.

    30 minutes is a bare, bare minimum.

    Actually, I don't think the food pyramid made Americas fat. It was highly processed, highly addictive processed food, fast food, and soda consumption. Those all skyrocketed since I was a kid.

    I agree and would add portion control (or lack thereof) is through the roof! Kids are plugged into electronics rather than getting out and being active.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Yeah, hence the reason why I said minimum. I run 5kms three times a week, 10 kms once a week, and do 30 minute videos on my off days to get my other body parts moving. I hardly think that qualifies as lazy.
    I didn't say you were lazy. But you're citing a random number some bureaucrat pulled out of their butt as a goal for daily exercise.
    I can understand how one might be angry at themselves for finding themselves 130 lbs overweight, and I applaud your 100 lb loss since then, but there's no need to take your anger out on someone who was trying to post a helpful comment. I would suggest that had you followed that "random number some bureaucrat pull out of their butt" you never would have found yourself 130 pounds overweight in the first place.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I can understand how one might be angry at themselves for finding themselves 130 lbs overweight, and I applaud your 100 lb loss since then, but there's no need to take your anger out on someone who was trying to post a helpful comment. I would suggest that had you followed that "random number some bureaucrat pull out of their butt" you never would have found yourself 130 pounds overweight in the first place.

    Nice attempt to push my buttons. BTW, I averaged 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day and still got fat. It took a while, but it still happened.

    I am simply trying to point out that the US government's recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day is ludicrous. Yes, sedentary people would be better off getting 30 minutes rather than none.

    But if people want to be satisfied with mediocre, go for it.
  • agulamali
    agulamali Posts: 44 Member
    I don't think you need to do formal exercise everyday. Just try to be physically active everyday (go for walks, etc.) If you do this, you'll get plenty of aerobic exercise and don't even really need to do formal cardio. For ideal body composition, you should perform strength training 2-3 times per week in my opinion. These don't have to be super long. Brief, intense workouts can be very effective and time-efficient as well.