Whey Protien/Smoothies/Wheat Grass... for dieting?

Hi everyone!

My name is Shannon. I am 27, female, 5 foot 4, 150 lbs. My goal is to get down to 125-130 lbs within the next 6 months. Also looking for any advice you might all have. Was wondering what these whey protein powders do for dieting? Not sure if they are just a bulking agent. Also any advice on smoothies buying/making would be greatly appreciated. I just love them and use them as a meal replacement but, don't know if they are actually hurting me with too much sugar from fruit? In addition, does wheat grass actually do anything? I have been doing a one ounce shot a day with my smoothie. Thanks for your help!


  • nbordner27
    nbordner27 Posts: 3 Member
    protein powders are fast acting used before and after lifting weights to give your muscles the protein they need to rebuild. since they are in powder form(pre digested) it allows your muscles to absorb the protein right away. not a great meal replacement but will help you build muscle. this will not make you bulky it will though help you rebuild faster. your muscles burn calories when in use and when rebuilding so it is very important that you feed your muscles the nutrition they need . for every one pound of muscle you burn 50 calories an hour at rest!

    good luck completing your goals!!!
  • shelbydemeuse
    shelbydemeuse Posts: 10 Member
    About smoothies.....I've been making them for years and have always loved them. What I like to do is buy frozen fruit (or buy fresh fruit if it is cheaper) and wash, cut, and freeze them. Usually smaller zip-lock bags such as sandwich size work best if you are freezing them. I like blackberries, pineapple, and strawberries frozen but you can really do any kind you want. I have even frozen watermelon and cantaloupe. I sometimes use a little bit of fresh fruit in my smoothies as well such as bananas. I have recently started using plain oatmeal (quick oats) in my smoothies. I have tried both cooked and dry. I do like the cooked better... it adds an earthy taste and adds a little more bulk to a smoothie. I sometimes use a few cubes of ice as well to smoothies. I usually put yogurt in my smoothies to make it a little more creamier. I like Greek yogurt. You can find lower sugar or light ones....Yoplait 100 calorie is a good one. I put half of the yogurt container in my smoothie (so 2-3 ounces depending on the size of the yogurt container). Also, a handful of spinach in a smoothie is good. If you put a small amount you really don't taste it but it adds extra nutrients. A larger amount would give you a slight taste if it. But it is so mild you really don't taste it. I am experimenting with my smoothies all the time so that's what I would recommend! Enjoy!
  • shan056
    Thanks s much Shelby! Great advice. I just bought a blender and can't wait to get started. One last question though....where do you buy cooked oats? or do you cook them yourself (maybe a stupid question)? Awesome idea on freezing stuff! I would be hitting the market A LOT otherwise :)
  • shan056
    nbordner, thanks for the response! Do you by any chance know a decent price, decently low cost powder that I can add to my smoothies? Oh and one more question, would it be more beneficial to use before or after a work out? Thanks again!
  • nbordner27
    nbordner27 Posts: 3 Member
    there are all types of different protein powders depending on the person,you would be looking for something basic. i believe walmart sells it for about $18 choc or vanilla. gnc will have more of a selection and they could help you with choosing the best one for your goals. you would want to use it 30 min before your work out and right after.(lifting weights) i would suggest mixing it with water for before your workout to keep the calories down. then make a smoothie with it for after your workout. some just choose one of the two but if any choose after.
  • shelbydemeuse
    shelbydemeuse Posts: 10 Member
    @shan056...Sorry I never got back to you. Just take oatmeal and cook it! I have always used quick oats (since they are fast and you can cook them in the microwave) but you could use what ever kind you want. Or you can even put it in the smoothie without cooking it.