Tired... Never been so tired...



  • MissDeAnn
    MissDeAnn Posts: 47 Member
    Being tired is a good thing that means you are ready to move forward. It starts with loving yourself and knowing your worth it. You can do it! This is day three for me with being on this site and it has help me a lot. The support is amazing!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    been there done that and felt like that. your weight loss begins when u say go and u begin to take charge. its a long hard process...but its sooooo worth the end result! :)
  • javajinny
    Patience is a key. It took me 8 years to put on 150 pounds; it's ok to take 4 or 5 years to take it off. I'm down 73 pounds, but it took 2.5 years. I used to really struggle with depression, but once I got the negative out my life, started eating better and working out, the depression let up a lot. I still have bouts every now and then, but not deep dark pits like there used to be. YOU CAN DO THIS. Find just enough love for yourself and go for it. It feels good to love me; I didn't know what I was missing before. Cut yourself some slack (especially about stretch marks and pimples; that's life). You are very pretty and worth so much love. I hope you find some peace and happiness. Life is too short to be unhappy or unloved.
  • Tereless
    Tereless Posts: 18 Member
    Sorry to hear you are so down on yourself. Times are tough and being depressed doesn't help. In your pictures you have a small child, have you discussed this "down feeling" with your doctor, could you be experiencing post natal depression? I would suggest getting some support from your doctor and possibly join a mom's group where you can meet other young moms and build some strong friendships where you can get out of the house and relieve some of the stress that having small children can bring. Although we love our little darlings our lives just took on a whole different direction when they come along. I know from my own experience that I lost myself --by becoming a mom and trying to do everything like a "perfect" mom should. No one is perfect and so we cannot hold ourselves to a self imposed prison.

    We are all here to give you love and support! Hang in there and take it one step at time and remember to enjoy the journey.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    I wrote a blog post yesterday (just for me) that was titled "Tired". So I had to read yours. And it reminded me a lot of my own issues. I know what it's like to be tired down to your bones, and to feel like you won't ever find the motivation or the energy to make a change. I don't know why I end up in this dark place, or why you did. I don't know how to get out of it, except to simply stop putting it off until tomorrow, and to start small, and to be grateful for every day in which you made an improvement, no matter how insignificant it seems. Because the fact is that the days are going to slide by anyway, and 6 months or a year from now you will be living with the choices you made today. The little things add up, for the better or the worse, so they matter.

    And, pardon me, but f*** those people who are encouraging you to fail, no matter who they are. They are belittling your ability to choose what is best for you. No matter what you choose, it's YOUR choice, and any old time you want, you can choose something other than what they expect of you. Next time you very well might. That's what happens- one day you DON'T eat the pop tart, and it's that simple. Don't beat yourself up for eating the poptart- it's not a failure, it's a choice. Half an hour later you might make a different one. Who are they to tell you that you can't do that? YOU are in charge of you, not them and not their expectations.

    On another note, you might also want to talk to your doctor about how you feel. Some of what you wrote sounded like it could be clinical depression, which can definitely sap you of motivation and self-worth.

    I don't know what else to say- except that if I could reach in and drag you out of that mindset, I would. Best of luck!
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    Step 1 is to leave all this **** in the past....
    While you are putting yourself down and letting others put you down you are going to constantly sabotage yourself.
    I'm an expert at sabotaging myself.'
    When you think pretty much nothing of yourself, you dont stand a chance.

    Today, write a list of your goals... THEN write down a list of baby steps.
    How much weight you feel you could realistically lose a week, and then ONLY focus on that.
    Looking at the whole lot will send you off the deep end and it becomes another reason to put yourself down.

    Dont deprive yourself of the foods you love, just factor it into your daily plan.

    I cook alot of my food on the weekend and bag it up into individual serves for work, even the protein pancakes I eat for breakfast, otherwise I'm hopeless. Winging it just doesnt work.

    You cant fix your negative attitude all at once, it takes time.
    Stop hating yourself and think about all the awesome things your body can do.... if your hair is dry and crap, then maybe put some olive oil in at at night, put a mud mask on, and when thats done, jump in a nice hot shower.

    We are all here to support you... we KNOW what this self hating exhaustion does to you.

    Baby steps honey, not self abuse. I learned that the hard way and I have been on this journey a LOOOOOOONG time!

    Big hugs xo
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Your life seems full of negative people and that just makes me sad. You are a beautiful young woman, who has stretch marks but so what you got them creating another life be proud of them!! Take little steps, so you had a pop tart.....you could have had 3. Start seeing every minor change no matter how tiny as an accomplishment and the next time some one says "oh yeah you're on a diet" say "No Im re building my life, diets are easy this is not" Personally id follow up with a so f**k you but you seem too nice! so maybe a "So what positive thing are you doing today"

    Wish I could give you a big ole hug but you'll have to settle for these instead :flowerforyou: as there is a big puddle of water between us!
    Stay positive and you will see the changes, and anyone who cant support what you're doing should be shown the door you deserve better!!!!! xx

    THIS :smile: