
I'm getting desperate and I'm willing to try just about anything (just NOT pills, powders, etc) to start my weight loss back up. I'm 5'8 and I've been stuck from 160-167 for months and it seems like nothing is working. Even when I feel like I am doing everything right I either don't lose weight or I gain weight(its not muscle, I assure you). Lately I haven't been feeling very motivated to eat healthy or exercise. I've been a little lazy because I'm tired of trying so hard and not getting any results. I've of course, managed to gain 5lbs in 4 days AGAIN. (i know its probably water weight, but it happens ALL THE TIME... sometimes even when im eating healthy)It feels like an endless cycle.

5'11, 164lbs
Exercise 4-5 days a week: running, jogging, yoga, and light weight lifting (i dont log all of what i do due to mfp's wild estimation of cal burn)
I do not eat exercise cal back
Drink 8+ glasses of water a day
I mix things up about ever 2 weeks with different exercises and foods.
I almost always stay under 1500cal, 42g fat, 2500mg sodium, and 169 carbs.
I generally allow myself one "bad" meal a week.
and ETA Ive tried eating my BMR... anywhere from 1600-1800 and i gain weight everytime

I just cant seem to see any results or lose any weight.
Any help is much appreciated


  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    Eat more than 1600 cals a day. Your BMR is around 1612 based on your height, age and weight. Shoot around 1800 a day and you will see it move again

    Good Luck
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    Eat more than 1600 cals a day. Your BMR is around 1612 based on your height, age and weight. Shoot around 1800 a day and you will see it move again

    Also don't eat excercise cals back stick to about 1800 everyday

    Good Luck
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    You cals are pretty low. It may be that while the large deficit has worked for you so far, it's time to scale it back a little. Or in other words, try eating a little more.

    I've been thinking about plateau busting, and what I'm going to do when I hit my first one. Two things have occurred to me -

    1. Moving to maintenance cals for a month, then returning with a more modest deficit (250 Cals per day).
    2. Moving to a surplus for a month, while continuing to lift. Will inevitably result in gain, but the idea is to put on a little muscle. Then drop to a modest deficit (250 Cals per day).
  • Based on what you wrote it really doesn't sound like a plateau as much as it does a case of inconsistency. To see the results of eating healthy you really need to do it for a few weeks straight.
    It's hard once we get off track to truly get back on. We will pretend that we are back in the game, all the while eating little bits of this and that and then feeling virtuous and hoping for a loss because we had one or two good meals rather than two weeks of good clean eating. Weigh, measure, consume less than you expend....the weight will come off.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I would suggest getting rid of the cheat days and eating at least some of your exercise calories back. You're likely retaining water from your cheat days (high carbs or high sodium by chance?) which is masking any weight loss and demotivating you.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    160-167lbs isn't really overweight for a woman who is 5'8", is it? Seems pretty ok to me, anyway.

    Anyway, what I would do is focus on my body composition--make some solid strength training goals and really work towards them. It's a positive way to refocus your energy. You're gonna have to eat a bit more than 1600 calories, though. I'm older than you and eat 1800-2000/day and am steadily losing body fat.

    Yeah, I just read your profile a bit more--you are a size small already, wearing size 7? And you're 19 yrs old. I think just lift weights and eat. I think you'll find yourself much happier with your body if you do those things.
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    usually on cheat meals i have high sodium. but its not CRAZY high. and im never over my goal by more than 400cal even on on fridays(which is when i usually have a cheat meal...i go out with family or friends). Sometimes (RARELY, like once ever 2 months) ill have a small binge (my def of small is about 1000 cal).. but other that that im usually very good.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    The other thing is that you've lost A LOT of weight! Congratulations--you look great. Losing weight can be pretty stressful and hard on the body though, and if you haven't had a break from dieting/exercise, you might need one. Have you ever taken a few weeks entirely off from both diet and exercise? I don't mean binge and go wild, or lay in bed for a month. I just mean relax, eat at maintenance and perhaps some gentle exercise...walking, etc.

    It could really be great for you to try that, if you haven't already.
  • My apologies, I didn't look at your ticker to see how far you have come and how close you are to goal...I can only echo Lupercalia in light of that
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    As you get closer to your goal weight, you'll also lose more slowly. You may want to recalculate BMR and TDEE to make sure they're still reasonably accurate.
  • wolfelements
    wolfelements Posts: 117 Member
    The body knows when it needs to adjust. That's what plateaus are for. Your body is forming it's new self after all you've lost!

    But make sure you're getting enough calories for your height and weight, oddly sometimes you have to eat a little more to lose.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Based on what you wrote it really doesn't sound like a plateau as much as it does a case of inconsistency. To see the results of eating healthy you really need to do it for a few weeks straight.
    It's hard once we get off track to truly get back on. We will pretend that we are back in the game, all the while eating little bits of this and that and then feeling virtuous and hoping for a loss because we had one or two good meals rather than two weeks of good clean eating. Weigh, measure, consume less than you expend....the weight will come off.

    Listen to her.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I'm getting desperate and I'm willing to try just about anything (just NOT pills, powders, etc) to start my weight loss back up. I'm 5'8 and I've been stuck from 160-167 for months and it seems like nothing is working.

    5'11, 164lbs

    Are you 5'8 and 160-167 or 5'11" and 164? Either way, this might be your maintenance weight. My daughter is 5'10" and 165, this is the right weight for her. You might be fighting an uphill battle and it is time to enjoy maintenance.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    light weight lifting

    If you really want to be strong, like it says on your profile (which I love by the way ... soooo much kudos to you for losing 100 pounds!!!!!) ... then lift heavy. Build muscle.

    I think everything else is going to just keep frustrating you, with you yo-yoing and at 19 that's the last thing you want to set yourself up for.

    Go pick heavy things up and put them down again about 3 times a week. That's the only thing that's going to actually make you strong.
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    I'm getting desperate and I'm willing to try just about anything (just NOT pills, powders, etc) to start my weight loss back up. I'm 5'8 and I've been stuck from 160-167 for months and it seems like nothing is working.

    5'11, 164lbs

    Are you 5'8 and 160-167 or 5'11" and 164? Either way, this might be your maintenance weight. My daughter is 5'10" and 165, this is the right weight for her. You might be fighting an uphill battle and it is time to enjoy maintenance.

    Sorry i meant 5'8 and im currently 164..but been stuck btwn 160-167 for a long time