will it spoil your weight loss?

Could eating healthy snack really late night spoil the numbers on the weigh in the next day?


  • 6302getsfit
    6302getsfit Posts: 10 Member
    It can make you lose Less but I don't think you nessicarky will gain weight because if you are hungry it is probably good to eat a little snack but if you are not hungry don't not eat a snack
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    Time has nothing to do with weight loss. :) The only reason we say to weigh in during the morning is because that's when you've gone the longest without food and water so you'll see the most consistent results, but a little snack before bed isn't going to hurt you. Eat up and enjoy!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Depends on the snack. Fiber will absorb water and that will be in your intestines.

    Nonetheless, eating the healthy snack when you need it will be great for your long term weight loss.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i would not eat before bed unless you are so hungry you cant sleep. and then be careful because we only burn about 65 calories an hour while sleeping
  • alevett
    alevett Posts: 79 Member
    I don't think so but you shouldn't weigh yourself every day - usually once a week is best. If you did well all week and stayed within your goal, you will still lose.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Nothing metabolically wrong with eating a little something before bed. For me though, I don't sleep as well if I eat then.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    i would not eat before bed unless you are so hungry you cant sleep. and then be careful because we only burn about 65 calories an hour while sleeping

    Not really a problem.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Many studies have shown that when you eat doesn't impact long term on weight loss. Day to day, sure if you eat 5 hours before weighing you may weigh more than if you ate 8 hours before weighing, but that is just a transient weight due to the presence of food in particular states in your digestive system and not actually fat or muscle gains or losses.

    If you are going to worry about when you eat because you weigh every day, stop weighing every day. I do weigh every day but I don't let it get to me, I just find it interesting to keep an eye on.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I eat most of my calories between 7-9 and if I had calories left I would eat after 9. Can have some funky dreams if you eat some food late, but if you don't mind crazy dreams go right ahead. I have lost 23 pounds eating late. If you eat a bigger, heavier snack it can show on the scales the next day if it hasn't totally passed through your system yet. On the days before my official once a week weigh in I do try to finish eating a little sooner than the rest of the days of the week.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Not if it's within your calorie goals. Calories in/Calories out. I eat a full meal anywhere from 8-9PM...last night I didn't sit down to dinner until 9:15PM...went to bet at 10:00 PM...this is fairly common for me and I've lost 25 Lbs in about 4.5 months.
  • slimtoneneetz
    slimtoneneetz Posts: 97 Member
    Thank u guys!!!!