Water and weight gain

So i've been eating very healthy, (under my calorie goal, but constanly eating so i'm not hungry), I try and not eat past 7 pm and if i do its a small meal, walking and doing exersises and drinking a ton of water. I mean probaly 10 glasses or more a day. I lost some weight when i weighted myself yeserday but when i did today i gained a pound. could that just be from the amount of water? I dont eat much salt as it is, so its not salt. Is that the reason?


  • friggie
    friggie Posts: 140 Member
    One way to find out if its water weight is to drink lemon juice in your water. I usually drink at least one if my 1 litre bottles of water a day with lemon juice. It really does help people who retain waster and woman at that certain time if the month.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Eating past 7pm will not hinder your weight loss.

    Your weight will fluctuate. Don't weigh yourself every day or you will drive yourself crazy. Try picking a certain day and weighing either weekly, bi-weekly, etc.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    First off...don't weigh yourself every day. Once a week at the most is better. Your body will have daily fluctuations no matter what.

    Secondly, water weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon.. If you are drinking, then weighing ...even the next day...you probably haven't eliminated all of that water...or it's weight.

    One more thing...as long as your urine is a pale yellow you don't need that much plain water. The whole 8 glasses/day idea is a myth. Drinking most any liquid will keep you hydrated along with the natural liquids in most foods.

    Good luck.