Is Cycling Every Day Okay? Well, Most Every Day...

Is Cycling every day okay? I don't do it every single day but I do at least 5 times a week. Out of those 5 times I cycle twice a day. I have been doing this for about 4 weeks and have built myself up to 45 minutes. This cycling consists of the bike at the gym, I want to get a real bike so I can cycle in the great outdoors but I have to save up for that first. On the setting I usually set the resistance anywhere from 13-15 so it gives my quads a workout. Anyway, I am doing this twice a day not only for weight loss but because I've come to actually enjoy it. So is twice a day cycling for about 45 minutes each time okay?


  • SmileyFaceGuy
    As long as your legs don't feel fatigued, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    If it's leaving you exhausted, then you probably need a rest day once in a while.
    If it's not leaving you exhausted, then it's fairly low level cardio and you probably don't need a rest day. I do long easy rides on my rest days.
  • wowsrz
    wowsrz Posts: 50 Member
    I cycle at least 5 days a week and 1 day a week I do a long ride of about 25-40 miles and i stay with an average pace of 21mph. I really enjoy it and I've been doing this routine for over a month with no difficulties. I try to set monthly challenges.... Last month was 250miles in the month and this month it's 300miles!!

    Best of luck!! Feel free to add me if you want another cycling friend!
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    To answer the question of "am I doing X too often or too hard?", instead, ask yourself this: "Is my performance in this workout lower than it should be because I'm tired from the last one?"

    If the answer is yes, then you are doing too much or too often (your body is not recovering between workouts). If the answer is no, then you are fine.

    "Too much" is very relative. You can build up to tremendous volumes of exercise if you do it carefully and gradually.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I DO,,,,, in the summer.