Starting Whole30 on March 1-any other takers??

I've decided to do a month of Whole30 starting March 1st, and thought I would see if anyone else has been thinking about it or plans on starting around then. It might be easier to know other people are doing the same thing and can use each other as support if it gets tough!

For anyone who is not familiar, whole30 is a 30 day clean eating guideline meant to "reset" the body... website below


  • mkblum814
    I just started! I am on day 2. I am not 100% through the book "It Starts with Food," but what I have read so far got me seriously interested. I love the science and the experiments that back their claims....there were parts I thought seemed rather radical, but overall the science makes complete sense. If you know a little (or a lot) about your food sensitivies, this seems like it will teach you even more and allow you to maximize on the full function of your body and metabolism.

    My update: pre-start I was overwhelmed and not entirely sold. Day 1: never hungry, ate more than I normally do, but was putting much healthier items in my body. I felt I had natural energy and, in general, good spirits. At the end of the night, I had little bloat and stomach discomfort, which is a normal evening feeling for me. Day 2: even more rested with natural energy! I was a little hungry mid afternoon but that was simply due to poor planning around lunch time. I cooked the Moroccan Chicken tonight and it was delicious!!! I am ready for Day 3!

    You should start and see how it makes you feel! :-) Good luck!!
  • Marmelg
    Marmelg Posts: 8
    I am planning to start on Monday, since I'll be going away for the weekend, but definately would love the support!
  • danielleisms
    danielleisms Posts: 42 Member
    I just finished and started the reintroduction phase. The first week or so is the hardest, but overall it's really life changing and great! Please listen to the advice they give on not weighing for the month and not tracking. Just follow their program. :)
  • timeforme_2013
    timeforme_2013 Posts: 71 Member
    Im in, i started a 10 day eat clean pledge but im willing to take it to 30!!( I started on March 1 too!!!