

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It is basically how I started out down this road to health and fitness as I suffer from hypertension and had high levels of LDL cholesterol and out of control triglycerides. One mistake I made was taking "moderate" fat intake to mean I should be going to great lengths to severely limit my fat intake. This ultimately left me at my doctors with some major nervous system malfunctions going on when my doctor told me it isn't a low fat plan, it is moderate fat which means I should still be consuming 25-30% of my diet in fat...I was getting around 5-10% and that wasn't good. Also note that a lot of studies indicate that cutting too much fat from the diet can actually lead to more instances of heart disease. The real plus of this diet is it's focus on veg and fruit...which if you're like me, weren't/aren't getting nearly enough. I get in around 6 servings of veg now on average per day and a couple servings of fruit.

    Basically it really taught me the basics of having a well rounded and balanced diet that is rich in fruit and veg, whole grains, lean proteins, and heart healthy fats. I still get around 40g fiber following the basic principles of this diet. Just don't go overboard in cutting the fat.
  • AnnasGrammie
    AnnasGrammie Posts: 13 Member
    I finished the book, made out my shopping list and started the diet today, I, too, think this looks doable and a healthy way to eat for life. Some one said earlier that the diet eliminates most red meat. That doesn't seem to be true because one of the things the book stresses is the fact that earlier diets included too many grains and too little protein. The entire thing makes sense to me so I'll be anxious to keep checking this site to see how everyone is doing.

    Since I have been away from this site for awhile, I also need new friends so please, anyone with a lot of weight to lose, please friend me.