where do these down days come from ?????



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Sometimes it just takes a healthy dose of perspective.

    Look at that ticker! Look at your before pictures! You have come a long way baby! And I dont' know about you, but I am NEVER going back there again. Sometimes I take a break from it all and sort of test out my new healthy habits. Like you, I'll go on holiday/vacation and not track and try to be moderately active and am happy if I maintain or at least don't gain more than a couple (especially if I'm dining out a lot since it's probably just water weight). It gives me a boost to know that the changes I'm making really are sticking and aren't just part of a "diet".

    Think about how far you've come fitness wise - could you have even done half the things you can do now a year ago (or 3 or 5 years ago)? Even the simple things like tying your shoes without feeling like you're going to pass out.

    And finaly, never allow your inner voice to say things that you wouldn't say to someone else.

    My big hurdle is when I get discouraged after not having lost (or even gained) for a period of time...I start thinking about trying some fad diet and then just shake my head and remember how those never work long term and even though it may take me another three years to get to goal, I'd rather do it the healthy realistic way than yo-yo diet and risk failing again.

    Keep your chin up and keep on keepin' on!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    I was crying my head off last week for 2 days straight but It was that TOM I felt like I was never going to reach my goal and after it was over I felt great again and ready to get back in there and fight that TOM can be so brutal my emotions were really high... hang in there WE can do this! We will lose this weight..
  • PINKinquisition1908
    This page really helped me. bump bump bump
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    There is no need to be sarcastic or agressive. People who diet often forget sugar takes part in burning carbo and fat. No sugar is wrong, to much sugar is bad too. You need to keep all in balance. Sugar is an energy, if you don't take enough you may be depressed...in your case agressive...I am a health therapist after all.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I forgot 2! Someone already mentioned one: Get enough sunshine, it really does help.

    The second is that I've become exercise dependent. A couple days without it and I start getting restless. And being restless can definitely lead to being irritable and sad.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    There is no need to be sarcastic or agressive. People who diet often forget sugar takes part in burning carbo and fat. No sugar is wrong, to much sugar is bad too. You need to keep all in balance. Sugar is an energy, if you don't take enough you may be depressed...in your case agressive...I am a health therapist after all.

    I am lion, hear me ROARRRRRR!!!! Ahhh thats better, just getting my aggression out. Thanks for your info, I will ensure my sugar levels are topped up in future!! Thanks sausage!!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Its mid winter..that seems to be the only reason my body needs.

  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Aw Sino, have just seen this post. You know, I've had a few days like that this week - mine is TOM related. Even though I know it (plus the damn water retention) it still sucks and makes you feel crappy.

    I don't know where yours are coming from, could be TOM, could be a mixture of things - the sun is out though, so go enjoy it and know that I am SO proud of you - whether you are or not, you're doing an amazing thing, you're kicking it into action EVERY day and working that butt off. You're going to keep on rocking it and you're going to feel better. I don't knwo when, but you will.

    If you ever need to chat though PM me, I'm always happy to try and help :)
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks SP, only just seen your post sorry i didn't reply sooner. I'm not sure whats been niggling me but i'm defo not giving up. I've still got along way to go but im determined not to waste how far i've come so far and yep definately working my butt of. In fact it feels like several pieces of it are likely to fall off at the minute ,now that would be a new and interesting way to lose a pound or 2 ;o)
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i think a lot of things play a factor in our moods and that will play a role in our weight loss. for me it can be the weather even. if its cold, raining, snowing, etc. i feel down and tired. just everyday life and stress. i can force myself onto my elliptical and then im fine and will want to go go go. one day i dreaded working out. got on the machine and could only go 20 minutes. but then i threw on some music and started to clean my house. 4 hours later! clean house! that is still exercise. once i get my butt into the gym, i will set myself a goal. 20 minutes on 3 different machines. once i get going on something, the motivation comes back and i may keep the timer going. i may see pretty fit girls in the room and that motivates me to do more cause deep down i want to look like that and know i have to put in the work to do it. stress from everyday life gets us too. a bad day at work. cold bug. etc. its hard. but we have to dig down deep and see that we are only doing this for our self. and if we choose to let those down days get to us, it will only make our goals even harder to reach. and if we have a bad day, get a little extra sleep and relax. go at it even harder the next day.