take the good with the bad

jenmcl Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
About 5 weeks ago I completely finshed weaning off my anxiety meds. The 15lbs-20lbs I've gained form them in the last yr has been a real deciding factor in discontinuing them. I love this site so I can be more vigilant in calories coming in and calories being burned. I was on prozac for almost a yr. I'm doing P90x and training for a 10 miler coming up and finding little success with weight loss. Is there anyone else going through this frustration? Is there anyone who can tell me how long it might take to get back my body from last summer?


  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    Eat every 2-3 hrs. Have protein, fast carbs, slow carbs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and snacks between 100-200 for women and 200-300 for men. Drink 12 glasses of water and you are in fat burning mode and will lose pounds.:flowerforyou:
  • ShottaB
    ShottaB Posts: 29
    You should be able to achieve your goals in 15 to 20 weeks if you use the tools nutrition diary and exercise diary provided, and set your weight loss goal to 1 pound per week.

    Before I joined MFP i was simply just exercising and not paying any attention to nutrition, and realized that I needed to get serious about it, and this is the month I'm serious about nutrition. I'm actually on week one of following the plan to lose weight. Monitoring you nutrition is easier if you plan meals in advance, preferably cooking your own, or finding meals that you can easily measure from the food database.
  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    Wow - I really admire you. I went on Prozac when I was a sophomore in college in 2005 and have been on some kind of medicine ever since then. Prozac wasn't cutting it for me anymore this past fall and I needed something for anxiety, so my doc switched me to Efforex (sp?) - and already I've seen the effects of when I forget it at any point in time (dizziness, nausea, and going completely crazy etc). ANYWAY.......I know I can't be on them forever, but I'm scared to death to go off of them. Best of luck - keep us updated!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's harder when you don't have much to lose. It took me almost 3 months to lose 15 pounds. Just stick with the program and it will come off. Don't get too anxious to get it all off at once. It took you a year to gain it.
  • jenmcl
    jenmcl Posts: 2
    To ShottaB - Thanks for input. I am the same way with exercise and then inconsistant with healthy eating. It may also be the weekend beers I so enjoy. MFP is definitely helping me. I just joined a Biggest Loser competition at the gym so I'll see if anything happens at weigh - in on Friday mornings. Good luck to you!

    To nsking83 - I bought the book " How to Lose Weight Gain From Antidepressants". I know, such a catchy title:) It explains so much more about what the meds are doing to our bodies and how it effects our organs and such. Don't get me wrong, if there was no weight gain I'd probably still be on it ( I am still getting the brain zaps and dizziness). But it gives great tips on how to go about losing the weight even if you are still on the meds. Check it out:)

    Patience is a virtue and a virtue is a grace...I suppose.

    Thanks to all for your suggestions and encouragement. Hopefully my weigh in on Friday will show progress. I'll keep you posted.
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