Slowest weight loss EVER



  • SDHudgins1976
    sane and happy

    ^^ !!!!!!!!!!

    I'll choose slow, sane and happy over fast, crazy and cranky any time.

    Cause sane and happy I can actually sustain for the next 40 years. Crazy and cranky, not so much. :smile:

    I can totally maintain crazy and cranky, but pretty sure someone would put me out of their misery if I chose to ;) hehe
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    bumping because I'm stuck and frustrated, as well.
  • SeeStephRunBlog
    hey lady :) Don't feel let down!

    Honestly- where did you get your calorie number from? MFP sets REALLY low numbers- too low for a lot of people. While I followed MFPs number my weight loss stalled. As soon as I took some outside advice and increased my cals, I dropped 10 pounds in 60 days.

    So I am looking at a few days of your diary... and PLEASE don't take this as criticism, but maybe even though you are on target, you need to try and find different food options? You seem to have sugars and breads with a lot of meals. I would suggest trying to meet your calorie target with more lean proteins, healthier carbs (beans, quinoa, etc vs rice and breads) and more natural sugars- fruits, and vegetables. You will find you can eat a lot more during the day and it may help you!

    I hope this helps!!
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you guys all so much for your feedback and support. Also, congrats to those of you that have been through this as well and got past it and lost weight! And to those who are in the same boat as me, we can do this!!
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Tomorrow is my official weigh in but I think I gained 2 lbs back making my loss for the last year 7 lbs. But a year ago I had been so sick (not due to weight) I couldn't get out of bed. Once I had surgery and proper meds I got fixed up. So in the last year I went from bed ridden due to a slicing and dicing at the hospital to running 5 or 6 miles about 4 times a week. I also walk a lot and do a little body weight type stuff. Being diabetic I don't eat tons of carbs. I would love to lose about 5 more lbs but my journey has been rather discouraging. I also went from being snug in my fat jeans to being comfortable in my middle jeans so nearly 2 sizes down. 1 more size down will get me to goal. I have a feeling it will take me a year or longer to get there though.