Scales dropping 0.3-0.5kgs per day?

So I weighed myself about a week or so ago and I was 68.7kgs (roughly, can't remember exactly), then a few days later I had gone down to 68.2kgs. Then a day later I weighed myself I was down to 67.7kgs and now I have weighed myself today and I am down to 67.4kgs. This was after quite a long time of being stuck at the almost 69kgs mark. Is this normal?
I am thinking this is maybe water weight because I started a more strenuous exercise routine around the time I plateaued and have been at it now for 3-4 weeks and I've started to notice it more.
But is it normal for it to be gradual and on a regular basis like this?
Should I be worried if it goes lower again before next week?


  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    (I do better with lbs than kgs)

    That's about 2.86 lbs in just over a week... most likely water weight as you said especially since you recently plataued. It's probably not something to be too concerned over yet.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 71 Member
    That sounds pretty normal to me. I weigh myself every day and see the scale go down or up by as much as two pounds day to day. It is just variation in water weight. When I put my total weight loss on the graph it's a mostly straight line that shows about 2 pounds per week.

    Some people don't like to seem the minor variations and will only weight themselves weekly or even less frequently. I don't mind since it's going down over time. Also some people (not me at the moment) don't have a lot to lose and see almost no change because they are adding muscle while they shed fat.

    From your ticker and what you've written you don't have a lot to lose (compared to me) so your water weight variation will probably be what you're noticing most of the time.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Ah, good!
    I think probably if I was weighing myself weekly I would be seeing it as normal but I think it's just because I'm like woaahhh every day it's going down, haha.
    Although really I shouldn't be complaining!!
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 71 Member
    Ok, I just took a second to hop into your profile (you're gorgeous by the way) and saw you had one before and after pic in there. You are probably at the point where you are going to want to care more about how your clothes fit than what the scale says. I see you're already doing some JM DVD's and I'm assuming you're eating well (just trusting you on that one). If you want to change anything you might talk to other people on the forums and see if there is a workout video that is more appropriate for you. I have seen people say good things (and post some impressive pictures) after doing P90X or Insanity. Not really much I can add except for keep up the good work.
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    Despite popular opinion, people can lose that much in a week. Yes a portion is likely from your current water weight but there were streaks in the middle of my weight loss where I did the same thing and kept it off day to day. It is mainly just the right amount of things worked out in your body that made it decide to burn off more then usual for that period of time. It's not like a car burning gas down the highway on cruise control, it will fluctuate. The averages that most people refer to for expected weight loss per week are not calculated from just a week but extrapolated from a longer period of time.