Body Bug people - calories burned?

bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
This is going to sound weird, but it's all starting to make sense. I plugged in what I used to eat on MFP and it said that I was eating anywhere from 6,000-8,000 calories a day (before I started dieting). If that was true than I should weigh over 500 pounds, because I loved eating and never worked out. Well, I borrowed my friends Body Bug for 2 days just to see how many calories I burn on a normal day. To my surprise I am burning over 6,000 calories a day!

Now, I think that's crazy. But I guess it's true. If you look at my profile you'll see why. I am up at 7am and don't sit down until past midnight everyday. I eat standing up. I love driving to pick up my daughter at the bus stop (1 mile away) because it's the only time I get to sit down. The 5 kids and the house cleaning keeps me going all day, non-stop! I'm just wondering......Is this normal calorie burning for the average mom with kids or is it finally making sense to me why when I get in bed at night (1am) I feel like the bed in shaking but it's all my muscles everynight in total shock. And most of the calories burned were after 8pm when my kids are all in bed. That's when the broom and mop come out. I'm in my kitchen till midnight everynight, cleaning and preparing meals for the next day. That's when all my laundry gets done also. I'm usually sweating by midnight. Is this normal?

I would like to know what some people are burning on an average day, so I can tell my husband that I'm not just complaining but I really need a break sometimes. :smile:


  • letsgetit
    letsgetit Posts: 33
    holy smokes... i'm not a mom so i cant really compare but I will say thats a VERY high burn so I totally believe you are non-stop all day! I've only gotten to 3000 calories twice in the 5 weeks ive had the body bug and they were both days where I was out partying till midnight. Generally on those days its a weekend and I lounge around until like noon so if I was going nonstop I think its totally doable to get that high! Eating that amount of calories is where you should make the modification, with how active you are if you get that to 3000 a day the weight will melt right off.... I currently am set to eat 1480 on normal activity 1650 if I hit my burn (2400 calories ) which I definately have to do some exercise to get!
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