Stay at home people...

Lady_C_the_1st Posts: 208
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
This is for anybody that is at home most of their time for whatever reason, I need some advice
I am now on Easter holidays (wahoo!!) my problem is though that I just want to eat all the time. There are things I have to do/read to keep me busy but it seems that all my will power has disappeared!!

How do you guys do it? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.


  • hi

    myself i tend to take the kids for a walk, do something fun with them, do exercise anything that takes my mind off eating. the only time my weakness get the better of me is when my sister in law stays with us as she eats junk all day drives me crazy don't know how to deal with that situation but i'm good the rest of the time.

  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I consider myself more of a snack person than a traditional 3 meals a day person. I just try and eat healthy snacks through out the day. Stock up on fruits and veggies.
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    i find eating chewing gum helps get rid of need to pick at food or snack. good luck.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I work from home. So when I pack my kids' lunches for school the night before, I pack myself my food for the day and only eat out of that bag as if I was at an office.
  • Kyliemish
    Kyliemish Posts: 29
    I stay at home with my 3 month old, and I know what you mean about just wanting to snack all the time! Especially over the holidays where there is lots of food.
    I helped my mother-in-law cook deep fried bannock for easter dinner, maintained my will power somewhat over dinner, but she sent us home with a whole big basket of them, and I looked it up, 229 calories are in each piece! Deep fried anything is trouble and I usually try to stay away.

    But. My man is at work, the house is empty, baby sleeps...and I snack. I am so mad with myself! Bannock of all things! And I even stayed chocolate free this easter!
    Bannock. Practically a whole basket full. Each piece is 229 calories, plus all those carbs...ugh... I defiently didn't do myself any good. Next year? I'm just sticking to turkey, stuffing, and a salad. I guess it takes one bad year to learn from...then this was it!

    I'm going to blame it on hormones. And not feel so bad =P
    But after that snack attack, I am setting boundaries for myself and healthy snacks only! Grocery shopping means NO junkfood, only fresh veggies and fruits. Anything you can pull a wrapper off, don't buy. It's tough, because that's what I look for in the cupboards when I want to eat.
    My fav snacks now are dried fruits, especially apples. And if you want to try smoothies, go buy a bag of frozen fruits (whichever you like best), yogurt, and either flax seed or granola and mix up a good takes that craving away and tastes yummy! ^__^

    Good luck with those snack attacks, they're tough to ignore sometimes!
  • innerhottie
    innerhottie Posts: 163 Member
    I work from home. So when I pack my kids' lunches for school the night before, I pack myself my food for the day and only eat out of that bag as if I was at an office.

    This is exactly what I was going to suggest. Plan your food for the day, portion it out and have it in a lunch bag or special shelf. When it is time for a meal or a snack, that is what you have. When it's gone... you are done.

    Good luck!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I make a pot of really good tea and put it in the carafe to stay warm Everytime I think I am hungry I drink a cup of tea first. If when I am done I am still hungry enough to meander back into the kitchen then I will choose something nutritious. I am sure those 8 cups of tea keep me from eating many bad foods, especially the kind of food that you tend to walk by and just grab a handful.

  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I make a pot of really good tea and put it in the carafe to stay warm Everytime I think I am hungry I drink a cup of tea first. If when I am done I am still hungry enough to meander back into the kitchen then I will choose something nutritious. I am sure those 8 cups of tea keep me from eating many bad foods, especially the kind of food that you tend to walk by and just grab a handful.


    One addition. I use my prettiest tea cups so that even my tea feels special and like a treat.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I try to keep my kitchen super, ridiculously clean... that way I have to think twice about going in to make a mess. I plan everything out before I eat it. But mostly - I just try to stay busy doing other things... as a SAHM and mom of 5 fur-kids... cleaning takes up a fair amount of time. It's Spring - go through closets, drawers... do some yard work... burn some calories so if you DO want that snack... it's not a big deal!

    But seriously - a super clean kitchen seems to help me more than anything! LOL!
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I try to drink alot of water, keeps me fill. Or I try to get out with the kids :)
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