What would you consider my activity level to be

I have my setting set as active (I think) but I'm wondring if it's set to the right setting. My job entails me to be moving 3/4 of the time (I work with kids so I'm up and down and walking around) and I do a 25-30 minute circuit training workout video followed by 20 minutes of interval training on my treadmill 3 - 5 days/week. So, am I considered "active", less than active, or moderstely active? Just curious and thanks in advance :smile:


  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Anyone :ohwell:
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Nothing huh...no love :sad: lol ...all well, guess I'll just keep it as active since I think that's what I am
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    hello, I would say you are active, it is very hard for a reply on here,
  • I don't think the setting is meant to include deliberate exercise, that gets tracked and the calories added on then. I work out 4-5 days a week but have a desk jobs so I have mine set to sedentary. So I guess you would be the one up from that (cant think what that is off the top of my head).

    The is my interpretation from the descriptions they have for each setting, not sure if its right.
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    Have you calculated your TDEE? I don't remember the link but I went to a site through a link on here and you plugged in how often you slept/sat/walked/exercised ect and told you what you burn approx per day. Then, you just reduce those calories by approx 20% to lose weight instead of following MFP requirements.
  • When your calculating NET calories to eat every day, its important not to account for additional exercise because you're not burning those calories every day. Just the 3-5 days a week you work out.

    Are you tracking your exercise calories in MFP as well? You get those calories back and you should eat them so you are still netting near your goal everyday.

    I keep my lifestyle 'Sedentary' because I work a desk job. I work out 5 days a week, but I don't include that in my lifestyle activity because I'm not always consistent and I don't want to be eating more calories than I should be.

    Hope this answers your question, with what little experience I have :)
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I'd say active to very active.

    I've been experimenting with my TDEE and I'm losing pounds with my setting at ACTIVE.
    I also work with kids and work out same as you.
  • psychedmom
    psychedmom Posts: 39 Member
    I agree the above post that you shouldn't choose your activity level based on deliberate exercise. I seem to be similarly active as ypu with my job as I am on my feet most of the day walking in a hospital and I choose lightly active as my activity level. If you choose active you wouldnt be able to log your exercise because it's already accounted for in your daily calorie expenditure.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I am 5'0, set to active and logging in all my exercise, and losing weight.
    Most people underestimate their activity level.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I actually don't count my exercise calories. I log them but don't eat them. I am slowly upping my calories to TDEE-15%. My calories were set t just over 1400 and I upped them to just over 1600 so I always make sure I eat1600. I'm just using mfp to log and count my food, not for the exercise part of logging. I only log it so I have a record of it, it's easier for me to keep it all in 1 place. So, exercise is part of my weekly day to day activity. I guess it doesn't matter what my setting is if I'm not using it as exercise deducted and just tracking food.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Active, and you should eat your exercise calories, or at least some of them. I am set at very active, and I add my exercise, and some days that's not as many calories as I burn per my BodyMedia. I have a relatively active job and work out 5 days a week. MFP gives me 1710 to maintain my weight based on that. I lost almost a pound a week eating 1850, so 1710 plus my exercise calories isn't usually enough for me to maintain. I burn more than 1710 on a day when I barely move.

    If you aren't logging exercise calories, then it actually matters more that you set your goal accurately, or even a little high so that you are eating enough.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I actually don't count my exercise calories. I log them but don't eat them. I am slowly upping my calories to TDEE-15%. My calories were set t just over 1400 and I upped them to just over 1600 so I always make sure I eat1600. I'm just using mfp to log and count my food, not for the exercise part of logging. I only log it so I have a record of it, it's easier for me to keep it all in 1 place. So, exercise is part of my weekly day to day activity. I guess it doesn't matter what my setting is if I'm not using it as exercise deducted and just tracking food.

  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    It seems to be toss-uo between lightly-active and active. The example MPF gives is "teacher" for lightly-active and "waitress" and "mailman" for active. The difference seems to be carrying stuff.

    I evaluated my activity level based on things I not include under Exercise. I work from home at a computer I work in 2hr blocks for a total time of 6hrs on good days. In between I am moving and taking stairs and usually carrying stuff or in the kitchen doing food prep or doing household, yard, or pet chores. So I called myself lightly-active.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    I would say moderate.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Active, and you should eat your exercise calories, or at least some of them. I am set at very active, and I add my exercise, and some days that's not as many calories as I burn per my BodyMedia. I have a relatively active job and work out 5 days a week. MFP gives me 1710 to maintain my weight based on that. I lost almost a pound a week eating 1850, so 1710 plus my exercise calories isn't usually enough for me to maintain. I burn more than 1710 on a day when I barely move.

    If you aren't logging exercise calories, then it actually matters more that you set your goal accurately, or even a little high so that you are eating enough.

    I don't eat my exercise calories back because I'm working up to my TDEE-15% (-10%, -5%, and then maintenance ) which includes the exercise. I will be eating the same number of calories no matter what. I'm close to my goal weight so I need to start eating more at a slow pace ( upping calories a little bit at a time) for when I reach maintenance. I use to eat them back all the time but stopped doing that. If I am hungry I will eat a bit back but not more than half...although I'm rarely hungry so I don't need to do that.