H E L P! I don't think I should eat exercise cals!

First thing - Im diabetic trying to get in good shape - it's harder for diabetics - the whole insulin/sugar thing.
I am only eating at a 300 cal deficit. TDEE is 2000 and Im eating 1700 cals a day. I am 5'9" and weigh 148lbs - healthy weight/unfit body.
So my question, since I'm only eating a 300cal deficit I should NOT eat exercise cals back right? I really only burn on average about 300cals from exercise 5 days a week. Currently doing 30dayshred and heavy weigh on universal set at home 3 times a week. Badminton once a week. And a walk or eliptical once a week.
Am I right or am I wrong???


  • Angeloftheshore
    Angeloftheshore Posts: 227 Member
    See the way I have always understood it is that if your exercise is not worked into your TDEE then just the calorie deficit alone makes you lose the weight. But if you are burning calories you would need to eat them back or you would go over a 300 cal deficit. Now if you have your exercise worked into your TDEE then no, you should not eat them back. Get several opinions on this, including your doctor since you are diabetic.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    When you use TDEE you choose your activity level, if you choose according to what you are doing then you do not eat back your exercise calories as the formula figures it in.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    TDEE includes your exercise. If you eat at TDEE, you will not lose weight. You need to eat between your BMR and TDEE. If you are going by MFP's automatic settings, you need to eat back at least some of your exercise calories. Some people will suggest you eat them all back.

    Edit to note that I may have misunderstood OPs question? May need to clarify...
  • if you were set at 1200, I'd say eat them back. I don't see a problem with NOT if you don't feel fatigued, hungry, etc. Just listen to your body :)
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    K thanks. I think Im doing it right by not eating them then. I figured my TDEE out by saying that I worked out 3-4 days a week plus I added in all the other stuff - cleaning, looking after baby blah blah blah. And I don't feel hungry - I just want to eat lots in the evening of course but I just try to munch on carrots and turnip and cabbage and stuff. I think I just need to tell myself everyday that I am great and I will reach my goal just as long as I stick with it no matter what.
  • PrimroseFlower
    PrimroseFlower Posts: 110 Member
    then why do we even log our work outs....to show out???
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I just eat the exact amount of calories for the weight I want to be. If I exercise I add 200. Works great and if you are not exact for your setting and estimates of food and exercise, you still win.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I just eat the exact amount of calories for the weight I want to be. If I exercise I add 200. Works great and if you are not exact for your setting and estimates of food and exercise, you still win.

    I don't get how that works? Please explain. I want to weigh 140lbs so ..........
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    You should just experiment and see what works for you. Your calorie level seems reasonable. If you stall out, you can re-evaluate and start eating your exercise calories.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    then why do we even log our work outs....to show out???

    To see how many calories we burned exercising. Is eating exercise cals back working for you?
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    You can go to a site like fat2fitradio and use the calculator to work out how many calories per day you would eat to maintain your goal weight at your current level of activity. Then start eating at that calorie level right now. You will never be on a diet again!
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    There are two ways to figure TDEE. The most common is INCLUDING your average workouts in a week. If you did that, DON'T eat back your exercise calories. If you did, you'd be double-dipping. Alternately (the way MFP is set up, by the way), TDEE would NOT include your exercise calories and this you'd log the calories burnt and eat those calories back. Either works, just don't double-dip.
  • Starrynightgrl45
    Starrynightgrl45 Posts: 47 Member
    What we are missing is really how much weight do you realistically want to lose and in what time frame. I have 88lbs (40 kg) to lose. I am trying to lose it at the rate of 2 lbs a week (1000 calorie deficit). You are only at a 300 calorie deficit meaning you will lose less than a lb a week. Was this your intention? I only eat back my exercise calories if it takes my net below 1200 calories and usually try to stay around that mark. It has been working for me.

    I am also diabetic so the other factor is timing of meals/snacks/ etc. I always try to leave a protein filled snack for after a really big workout if I need it. You need to do what's best for you and what works. But I think 300 calorie deficit is quite low so I wouldn't eat back those calories (in my opinion)

    Hope this helps!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    K thanks. I think Im doing it right by not eating them then. I figured my TDEE out by saying that I worked out 3-4 days a week plus I added in all the other stuff - cleaning, looking after baby blah blah blah. And I don't feel hungry - I just want to eat lots in the evening of course but I just try to munch on carrots and turnip and cabbage and stuff. I think I just need to tell myself everyday that I am great and I will reach my goal just as long as I stick with it no matter what.

    It sounds like you're doing the TDEE method and doing TDEE - 15%. In that case, you are correct...exercise is included in your TDEE so you wouldn't eat them back.

    For clarification for others, the MFP method assumes no exercise and any exercise you do is extra activity so you would be eating them back. Two different methods, same net effect.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    What we are missing is really how much weight do you realistically want to lose and in what time frame. I have 88lbs (40 kg) to lose. I am trying to lose it at the rate of 2 lbs a week (1000 calorie deficit). You are only at a 300 calorie deficit meaning you will lose less than a lb a week. Was this your intention? I only eat back my exercise calories if it takes my net below 1200 calories and usually try to stay around that mark. It has been working for me.

    I am also diabetic so the other factor is timing of meals/snacks/ etc. I always try to leave a protein filled snack for after a really big workout if I need it. You need to do what's best for you and what works. But I think 300 calorie deficit is quite low so I wouldn't eat back those calories (in my opinion)

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks, just trying to lose the last 8lbs from pregnancy. BUT I don't mind if I don't - I just want to make sure that my belly goes flat and arms and legs are strong and toned.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    then why do we even log our work outs....to show out???

    Two different methods...MFP method (eat back exercise calories as exercise is not included in activity level)...TDEE method (do not eat exercise calories because because they are included in activity level). The net effect is the same.

    For example, MFP might give the OP a 1,400 calorie goal...she does 300 calories worth of exercise and eats them back...she's now at 1,700 gross (still at 1,400 net). If she uses the TDEE method (looks like TDEE - 15%) she gets a 1,700 calorie goal (gross)...she exercises 300 calories and doesn't eat them back and is 1,400 net. Net effect is the same, just two different methods.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Whoa! Just looked into the Fat to Fit Ratio Calculator to see how many cals I should eat to go from 148lbs to 140lbs and I think the calculator is CRAZY wrong. One of you should try it and see what you see! Makes NO sense.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    ive used fat2fit calculators before and always get fairly accurate numbers.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    ive used fat2fit calculators before and always get fairly accurate numbers.

    This is what I got 148lbs CW 140lbs GW 5'9" moderately active. I don't think that 2993 is right to lose weight!!!
    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 2317
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2655
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2993
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 3331
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 3669
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Thanks to all this information - i have no idea what I should be eating. 1700 cals is what I'm doing without eating exercise cals back. I just dont know.