From yesterday, Jillian's Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism

Hey everyone! Yesterday I posted about looking for another Jillian Michaels workout that may be a little bit more of a challenge. Someone (sorry I forget who) recommended the banish fat, boost metabolism. WOW is all I have to say. What a great cardio workout! Literally NON STOP 50 minutes. Some posted about not being able to get past the first 26 minutes..that was for sure the toughest. If you can push through that I promise it gets easier. No More Trouble Zones is still by far my favorite, but the down fall is no cardio. This one was great. I am a huge fan of the weights, but obviously you need a break from them from time to time, so this was perfect. Thank you all for the recommendations!
I do have one question though, how do you put it down as your exercise? Technically its circuit training, but is it true circuit without weights? I felt it was more aerobics than anything. Any thoughts?


  • sparklebritches
    Good job! (high five)

    Sometimes I will enter that kind of stuff under calisthenics of varying degrees, depending on how much I could feel my heart pounding or I was sweating. Especially when there actually is lots of push-ups, mountain climbers, burpees, etc.

    Completely accurate? Not really. I'm guessing the best answer is to get a really good heart rate monitor.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I have a HRM and created my own exercise with the name of the DVD, the length of time for the workout (NMTZ = 40 mins) and then enter the calories burned from my HRM. That way, every time I do that DVD I can enter the same thing and see what I did last time. As I get better the amount of calories I burn start to drop slightly as I'm getting more conditioned which tells me I have to step it up the next time!