I want to lose 70 more pounds and need some motivation/help!

I am a 28 year old female, currently 215 lbs. I started eating healthy on January 2, 2013, and started exercising the third week of January. I was 225 on January 2, so I am glad I have already lost 10 pounds, but I also feel like it is not coming off as quickly as I had hoped. I know you should only lose 1-2 pounds a week to be safe, but I went from eating whatever I wanted, to only having one "cheat day" a week and all other days foucusing on healthy food. I also went from being sedentary to exercising almost 2 hours a day. I am currently on my last week of the Slim in 6 program, which I have been doing in the mornings. (60 minutes) And then I usually play 10 Just Dance songs in the evening (30-40 min). I am not really a fan of the Slim in 6, or other exercise videos, but I do enjoy Just Dance because it is more of a game to me, and dancing is fun. Can anyone suggest any eating tips or exercise programs that might help me? I heard the Wii Active is fun, and was considering the Richard Simmons videos because it looks easy enough for me while working up a sweat at the same time. (I have a hard time doing exercises on the floor because they can hurt my back at times).

I am not currently using the calorie counter, because I find it very time consuming, but I may try to use it again. I usually eat a fruit and breakfast shake at breakfast, a 1/2 sandwich (wheat bread, miracle whip lite, 45 cal cheese and turkey) and a vegetable of somesort for lunch, snacks throughout the day of a small amount of peanuts or sunflower seeds or other low cal salty snack. Dinner is where I think I may be eating too many calories, but it is hard to count since I make meals that tend to have many ingrediets (low cal soups, casseroles). I also was interested in getting a heart rate monitor to track my calories from exercise. I bought one and used it once (it said i burned 300 calories with my 10 dance songs), but I didn't like the format so I returned it.

Any comments and suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!:happy:


  • brookeiva90
    brookeiva90 Posts: 13 Member
    I am kinda in the same situation. I HAVE to use my calorie counter and I CAN'T give myself a cheat day because then my cheat day turns into a cheat week... SOOOOO I have decided that I will leave some calories so if I want to indulge(within reason) I can do so without feeling the guilt. I also made a sign that I hung on my wall in front of my treadmill that reads NO EXCUSES. Ha sounds silly but really helps me through my workouts.. If you want/need a weight loss friend feel free to add me :)
  • I was there about 6 months ago. My top weight was probably 220, im not sure I really did not weight myself. I am down to 191 right now but still have a way to go. I have cut out most empty sugar (no soda, dessert, snacks ect..) and I have really picked up the working out. I have found that I really love Yoga and using kettelbells so I would suggest keep trying other types of workouts and kind one you like, maybe you would like zumba or another dance type workout? Go to a local library and check out a bunch of different types of workouts and see what fits!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I can't say for sure, honestly since you are using a different Beachbody program.Are you eating 4-6 times a day? What type of nutrition formula or equation are you using? I can only guess thas you are tracking your fod.Are you weightlifting or doing resistance exercises? (Never seen Slim in 6, don't know what it consists of)Also, quick question what don't you like about your exercise tape?

    One more thing you can make it, just mix things up or re examine your whole program if its not to your liking.
  • codagene
    codagene Posts: 19 Member
    Take a picture of yourself in a bikini or under garments. Place this on the fridge, on your bathroom door and in your car! When I see pictures of myself I get sick and loose my appetite. You will use this energy to focus on loosing weight for the long haul. We didn't get here overnight, so don't expect to loose it quickly. Change up your exercise routine weekly! Dance to music while cleaning! Dance your way to the mailbox, it moves body parts sista! Good Luck!
  • I am eating 4-6 times a day if you include the snacks. Slim in 6 is what I consider basic low impact aerobics with about 10 min of resistance training. What I don't like about it is that after 6 weeks of doing pretty much the same thing, it gets repetitive and boring. Also, the full routine is 60 minutes, and I have to rest about every 15 minutes. I guess I would rather do a more intense 20-30 min workout and try not to rest.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Personally I would start using the calorie counter. Yes, in the beginning it is cumbersome but you will get used to it. Especially if you have a smart phone where you can just scan whatever you're eating. I've been doing this for 9 months and still have days where my calories added up a lot faster than I thought they did. Good luck and congrats on your weight loss!