Eat your calories after 9:00 pm



  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    The answer is beer.

    Lol this. Agreed.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have around 700 calories left for the day and am going to fix me a snack to take into bed in a half hour or so... There is no such thing as meal frequency.. If you have the calories to eat then eat them...
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    lol @ DopeItUp. Beer is indeed a nice reward within moderation.

    Anyway I agree with pretty much everyone here. I have maintained a losing trend these past few weeks, and the only clock maintenance I do is to try and eat within a couple hours of waking. Sometimes if I forget to take my metformin earlier in the day, I end up HAVING to have a late snack with my last dose of metformin.

    Only reason not to eat late would be as Christine mentioned, if it tends to trigger you into reckless eating. And as someone else pointed out, it's best to make sure you at least have enough calories to stay within the healthy range.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    It sounds like you need to plan out your meals better. Six smaller meals throughout the day will take care of having that many calories at the end of your day. This will speed up your metabolism too. Our bodies don't burn off what we eat during evening and night hours and it will store it as fat. Goodluck!

    Not true.... Your body burns 24/7 it has no idea whether its 9 at night or 9 in the morning... As long as you are hitting your caloric intake for the day and your Macro's you can eat whenever you want. Some eat all there calories in an 8 hour window, other prefer to spread them out.. I am a Type 2 diabetic so I tend to base my food intake on what works best to keep me from having Low Blood Sugars..... Best of Luck...
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    If I didn't eat after 9pm I would only get through half of my daily calories. Not even. o_O

    Haha what are rules, if I want to eat a snack in bed before turning off the lights, I do it.
  • Peanutbutterx
    oh, how i love to hear people endorsing peanut butter :) .. the love of my life.. and if its peanut butter after 9 pm yes, of course its okay!!
  • Peanutbutterx
    purpleipod your picture scared the *kitten* out of me !! my heart literally fluttered when i saw it hahah wow.. what is that??
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    Plan your day ahead of time so you're not left with 400 calories this late.

  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    How many of those 400 calories do you need not to be in the starvation mode? For example, if you had at least 250 of those calories, would myfitness pal indicate that is a healthy range? With that being said, I really enjoy Noosa (greek yogurt with some fat), particularly strawberry ruhbarb and 8 0. o.z. is about 240 calories if you add a couple of toppings you can easily get to at least 300+ calories. Could be a healthy late evening snack? Hope that helps.

    Noosa is THE BEST yogurt!
  • DexterDarko
    I think it depends on your schedule. I go to bed in the AM's so I usually have my last snack/meal around right now, and its 9:12, so. I think the main point is about eating before bed.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    As someone who works 7 PM to 7 AM three nights a week, I couldn't go all that time at work without eating something. If all is not chaotic, my "meal" is around 2 AM.

    I never know what to call that meal, so I don't name it.
  • chelseabuns88
    chelseabuns88 Posts: 77 Member
    I save almost all my calories for the evening.. I can't go to bed hungry and the evening tends to be the time I get serious cravings, if I ate an early dinner I'd be almost guaranteed to stuff a load of junk food before bed!

    If you're not at all hungry, there's not much point eating the calories.. but a snack isn't going to hurt, no matter the time!
  • isisbryan
    isisbryan Posts: 105 Member
  • gilberts3
    Some people said your body don't know from day to night when i had a trainer she told me to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day
  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 112 Member
    My experience so far tells me that time is irrelevant to weight loss, as I've lost quite a bit and am mostly a late night (far later than 9pm) eater. Just stick to your calorie goals and you should be good.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    its 10 pm im scarfing down about 1000 calories.
  • 4littlemonkeys
    How many of those 400 calories do you need not to be in the starvation mode? For example, if you had at least 250 of those calories, would myfitness pal indicate that is a healthy range? With that being said, I really enjoy Noosa (greek yogurt with some fat), particularly strawberry ruhbarb and 8 0. o.z. is about 240 calories if you add a couple of toppings you can easily get to at least 300+ calories. Could be a healthy late evening snack? Hope that helps.
    Don't think you go into "starvation mode" because you don't consume 400 calories one day......
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Eating carbs at night will reduce your HGH proteins, that's a bad thing.
  • annievl
    annievl Posts: 2 Member
    I stopped eating 2 hours before laying down because of acid reflux...
    Except today I didn't reach 1200 calories so I am having a night time snack =)
    I wouldn't mind skipping these last 380 calories except I'm worried that my body will eat up all the muscles I've been working on.
    From now on all my calories 2 hours before bed