Does happiness equal weight loss?

So I realized, people who are happy with themselves lose weight better, Like for example, people that say "I'm happy with myself already but would like to a confidence boost," Seem to be able to lose weight better than people who say "I hate the way I look and hate myself as a person." Any living proof of this? It seems the more I am upset with myself, the more I turn to food and the more I don't see progress right away the more I want to eat. Maybe it would seem obvious to some people but I want to hear people's stories. :)


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Happiness usually lends itself to a general positive attitude. That in turn helps keep one looking at small accomplishments and keeps a person optimistic in achieving goals. Attitude is everything in my opinion.

    That said, even the most negative person can lose weight. It is just simple math. What matters is the will an interest, as well as the consistency in doing it. Having a positive attitude, or being happy gives you a edge.
  • MinyMinnie
    Happiness usually lends itself to a general positive attitude. That in turn helps keep one looking at small accomplishments and keeps a person optimistic in achieving goals. Attitude is everything in my opinion.

    That said, even the most negative person can lose weight. It is just simple math. What matters is the will an interest, as well as the consistency in doing it. Having a positive attitude, or being happy gives you a edge.
    That is true! Do you have a way that kept you motivated to lose weight?
  • montlucia
    For me I had to separate my self-worth from what I look like in order to progress properly with weight loss and to have a good mindset. I'm not doing it because I expect instant happiness if I lose weight. But it definitely boosts my confidence.

    Anyone who really doesn't like themselves at the core will likely be more defeatist and find it harder to reach goals. I'm basing this on my own experiences in getting over some major self-esteem issues.

    I know it's easy to say but try not to be so hard on yourself. Weight loss is hard work. Believe me, no one finds this easy. To keep yourself on track, I think you should aim for small goals so that bit by bit you'll gain a little bit of confidence. For a lot of people, focusing too much on the ultimate outcome makes them freeze and find it all so much harder.

    This place is great. Sometimes I go read the forums if I have a weight loss setback and need a bit of inspiration.
  • willieswenson
    It can work if you're happy or not, but usually if you're not, you lose the weight, and you are just a skinnier, angrier person, ha! I had put un realistic expectations on myself, thinking that others had put them on me, and ended up binge eating, binge exercising, eating way too few calories etc....thinking that it would lead me to be happy. Well, I'm in a much better place, and it seems as though I'm shredding way better than before. It's easier, enjoyable, and instead of guilt guiding me, it's pleasure. You know that old story about the wind vs. the sun trying to get the jacket off of the dude sitting in the park? The wind tries with force and fails but the sun warms it right off of him. I think it is completely equivalent. Gotta LOVE dat fat away, hahaha, but real talk, works for me, agree with you 100%
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I'm a happy person, in spite of my weight and health problems. I love my life, I love my accomplishments, and I'm proud of reaching my "mini" goals along the way. I have a long way to go, but as they say, "A jouney of a thousand miles begins with one step." For me, the focus is overall health. The result will be weight loss.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I've found it's much, MUCH easier to lose weight when I am feeling happy, content, organized, and in control. When I feel overwhelmed or depressed, I tend to think, "fvck it...I'm going to eat whatever I want and sit around all day." This leads to more bad feelings and hence, the cycle continues.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    It's the 'dream, believe, achieve' thing. If you're not happy, you don't dare to dream because you don't believe you can achieve it. When you're focused on achieving a dream you believe in, you're happier because you have a purpose.

    True for me anyway
  • MinyMinnie
    For me I had to separate my self-worth from what I look like in order to progress properly with weight loss and to have a good mindset. I'm not doing it because I expect instant happiness if I lose weight. But it definitely boosts my confidence.

    Anyone who really doesn't like themselves at the core will likely be more defeatist and find it harder to reach goals. I'm basing this on my own experiences in getting over some major self-esteem issues.

    I know it's easy to say but try not to be so hard on yourself. Weight loss is hard work. Believe me, no one finds this easy. To keep yourself on track, I think you should aim for small goals so that bit by bit you'll gain a little bit of confidence. For a lot of people, focusing too much on the ultimate outcome makes them freeze and find it all so much harder.

    This place is great. Sometimes I go read the forums if I have a weight loss setback and need a bit of inspiration.
    Thanks for sharing! I have self-esteem problems and am trying to do the same, being happy as a person. I feel better knowing that it helps to be happy, I really needed to see the proof.
  • MinyMinnie
    It can work if you're happy or not, but usually if you're not, you lose the weight, and you are just a skinnier, angrier person, ha! I had put un realistic expectations on myself, thinking that others had put them on me, and ended up binge eating, binge exercising, eating way too few calories etc....thinking that it would lead me to be happy. Well, I'm in a much better place, and it seems as though I'm shredding way better than before. It's easier, enjoyable, and instead of guilt guiding me, it's pleasure. You know that old story about the wind vs. the sun trying to get the jacket off of the dude sitting in the park? The wind tries with force and fails but the sun warms it right off of him. I think it is completely equivalent. Gotta LOVE dat fat away, hahaha, but real talk, works for me, agree with you 100%
    That's what's happening to me now! i feel so pressured and I binge eat, binge exercise, and eat too little, ect. I feel so much better. I just get really bad anxiety thinking I might not lose weight even if I tried really hard. I'm scared of the failure. The anxiety gets really bad, that's where all the binge eating comes from. I love the analogy. Thank you! :)
  • MinyMinnie
    I've found it's much, MUCH easier to lose weight when I am feeling happy, content, organized, and in control. When I feel overwhelmed or depressed, I tend to think, "fvck it...I'm going to eat whatever I want and sit around all day." This leads to more bad feelings and hence, the cycle continues.
    When I think about it, when I feel happy exercising isn't that much of a problem, but when I'm sad I tend to think "No, I'm going to eat my troubles away. I don't want to do anything else." Knowing that happiness helped you lose weight gives me hope!
  • MinyMinnie
    It's the 'dream, believe, achieve' thing. If you're not happy, you don't dare to dream because you don't believe you can achieve it. When you're focused on achieving a dream you believe in, you're happier because you have a purpose.

    True for me anyway
    So true! :D

    Thank you!
  • MinyMinnie
    I'm a happy person, in spite of my weight and health problems. I love my life, I love my accomplishments, and I'm proud of reaching my "mini" goals along the way. I have a long way to go, but as they say, "A jouney of a thousand miles begins with one step." For me, the focus is overall health. The result will be weight loss.
    I actually told myself that too "My goal is being healthier." problem is I still had low self esteem while I said this.
  • Peanutbutterx
    Aw, dont be so hard on yourself!! Your a pretty girl and you sound really sweet. Everybody gets off track once in awhile, you cant beat yourself up over it. I found for me it was easier for me to loose weight when i wasn't thinking about it so much and realized theres things that are a lot more important and precious in life than how much i weigh. I would plan out what i was going to eat for the day earlier in the day, and then just do other things the rest of the day that i had to do and not think about it so much until it was time for lunch/dinner. Don't worry you sound like a smart girl, i think everything will work out just fine for you :) take care and God bless! :)
  • RadioactivePirate
    I think that coming at weight loss from a position of "I love myself and my body and I want to treat it well" rather than "I hate my body and wish it would change" makes a huge difference in terms of motivation. If you're taking care of yourself because you love yourself, an occasional indulgence is just that, a treat. You treat yourself and you're happy and then you continue eating well and exercising because you're happy, and it's all part of taking care of yourself. If the scale doesn't move some week but you're eating well and exercising, you're still doing good and taking care of yourself. If you hate your body and diet and exercise is punishment for your body for being so awful and fat, that same indulgence becomes a failure of willpower. That non-moving scale becomes just ANOTHER thing that you suck at. Which of those two attitudes do you think leads to long-term maintenance of a healthy lifestyle? They may both lead to weight loss, but if you're unhappy it's going to be harder to maintain it for a long period of time.
  • Peanutbutterx
    that is very true radioactivepirate!! .. your name is great by the way haha
  • Raerae1993
    Raerae1993 Posts: 82 Member
    I think it does to a point, when i'm sad or angry with myself or my life the last thing i want to do is work out i just want to sit and eat self pity food, JUNK. But when i have had a great day and i'm happy going for a run sounds nice and i want to treat my body better because i feel confident on the inside. Happiness goes a long way. That being said sometimes confidence or happiness with life can go the other way. For example when you go out on the weekends with your friends you might think ehh i deserve this(insert terrible food here) tonight.

    It honestly comes down to determination and how bad you want this.
    Start with small goals. like 5 pounds, then 10 pounds and so on and when you reach those goals reward yourself BUT NOT WITH FOOD. instead with a pedicure or maybe that new perfume or dress, or a relaxing bath. Whatever works for you and keeps you going.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Happiness usually lends itself to a general positive attitude. That in turn helps keep one looking at small accomplishments and keeps a person optimistic in achieving goals. Attitude is everything in my opinion.

    That said, even the most negative person can lose weight. It is just simple math. What matters is the will an interest, as well as the consistency in doing it. Having a positive attitude, or being happy gives you a edge.
    That is true! Do you have a way that kept you motivated to lose weight?
    Don't make it all about weight loss. I eat right and exercise mainly because I want to lead a high quality of life as I age. Those two together are the closest we'll come to the Fountain of Youth; and if longevity isn't good enough a reason to motivate someone, then they'll have a hard time sticking with things.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    I lost weight because I absolutely hated what I saw in the mirror. Vanity and self loathing fueled my fire.
  • MinyMinnie
    Aw, dont be so hard on yourself!! Your a pretty girl and you sound really sweet. Everybody gets off track once in awhile, you cant beat yourself up over it. I found for me it was easier for me to loose weight when i wasn't thinking about it so much and realized theres things that are a lot more important and precious in life than how much i weigh. I would plan out what i was going to eat for the day earlier in the day, and then just do other things the rest of the day that i had to do and not think about it so much until it was time for lunch/dinner. Don't worry you sound like a smart girl, i think everything will work out just fine for you :) take care and God bless! :)
    Thank you so much! That motivates me. It sounds like a good idea. It seems like the more I think about it the more i get nervous about my weight! Thanks for the add! <3
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    There was a really good article I once read called "I'll Be Happy When I'm Thin". The most important part of it for me was this:
    Thinking that you will be happy when you get thin is a slippery slope because there is no such thing as "happy". By that I mean once you reach your goal weight you don't suddenly attain a state of happy that stays put as long as you weigh that number.

    Here's a link: