Insanity, please explain!

I know this is a pain, but can someone please explain to me how this Insanity works? Do you get complete instructions, what dvd to do and when? Do you decide this on your own? Also, it says weights aren't this true?


  • pocketjlo
    HI, I am working out with the Insanity program (DVD's) with a friend. In the booklet you get, there is a calendar in the back that says which DVDs to do on which day. It does explain it pretty well as long as you stick with it. You do NOT need any weights. Everything you do is with your own body strength.
    There are some pretty intense workouts and honestly, I couldn't do it alone. It helps very much to do it with someone to keep going:) Also, remember to keep it at your own pace, you'll be surprised how strong you really are:):) I hope this helps. Thanks