high expectations?

Am I expecting too much? I am on a lot of medication including and antidepressant, anti-psychotic,mood stabilizer,anti-anxiety, and many more for other health issues...I have been at this for 50 days and lost 5 lbs and then gained 4 lbs back and so in 50 days I have lost 1 lb....I am not perfect I have drastically changed my eating habits..I am just worried my meds are gonna make this way harder which is okay I guess just a little frustrating living at 250lbs


  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    Hi there! While, I'm certainly not an expert on what those medications might do to help or hinder your weight loss, I did take a peek at your diary for a couple of days and it could be what you are eating.

    For instance, maybe try swapping out the instant oatmeal packets for regular oatmeal (you can still microwave it if it's a time issue) - you get more nutritional bang for your buck. Add some fresh fruit and you've still got a breakfast for 200-250 calories! Little things like that can go a long way!

    Best of luck!
  • GaloisGirl
    GaloisGirl Posts: 26 Member
    The meds may make it harder, unfortunately. It's not an excuse, but a difficulty that one should be aware of.

    The good thing is that physical activity (especially outside, in the sunshine) helps immensely with depression and anxiety and stuff like that. I know the more I move, the better I feel and the better I feel, the more I move - you just gotta put a lot of effort at the start to get this cycle started: make time, make the new habits, pack the damn gym bag,...

    They say weight loss is 30% exercise and 70% diet, but in the case of a depressed person, I'd personally (I'm no doctor!) start with putting all the focus on the exercise. I can't keep the diet when I feel like crap and don't belive in myself and struggle to find the motivation for the simplest things. I can go for a walk, however, and it's a good start.

    Now you're saying you've already drastically changed your eating habits - congrats, I admire that!

    I'm no professional and can't offer you specific advice, but I personally swear by *any* physical activity, may it just be a light walk. You mention fibromyalgia on your profile - I sympathize. I don't know how much it clashes with physical activity, but it sure doesn't make things easier.

    I belive any moving will make you feel better any pound lost will make moving easier - the beginning may be crazy hard but everything will pay off more and more with time. Congrats on all you've already done and good luck with the rest of the journey!
  • CheriLMT
    CheriLMT Posts: 220 Member
    Hi there! While, I'm certainly not an expert on what those medications might do to help or hinder your weight loss, I did take a peek at your diary for a couple of days and it could be what you are eating.

    For instance, maybe try swapping out the instant oatmeal packets for regular oatmeal (you can still microwave it if it's a time issue) - you get more nutritional bang for your buck. Add some fresh fruit and you've still got a breakfast for 200-250 calories! Little things like that can go a long way!

    Best of luck!
    Yeah, when I take my medications at night I all of a sudden just don't care what I eat...I lose all inhibitions...thats what I normally record as breakfast because it usually well after midnight. I know I am not perfect...I just used to eat so much food every day that its crazy but I am in this for long run...
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    Hi there! While, I'm certainly not an expert on what those medications might do to help or hinder your weight loss, I did take a peek at your diary for a couple of days and it could be what you are eating.

    For instance, maybe try swapping out the instant oatmeal packets for regular oatmeal (you can still microwave it if it's a time issue) - you get more nutritional bang for your buck. Add some fresh fruit and you've still got a breakfast for 200-250 calories! Little things like that can go a long way!

    Best of luck!
    Yeah, when I take my medications at night I all of a sudden just don't care what I eat...I lose all inhibitions...thats what I normally record as breakfast because it usually well after midnight. I know I am not perfect...I just used to eat so much food every day that its crazy but I am in this for long run...

    There's a ton of information on here that can help - and if you are looking for support, I'd be happy to pal up with you! You've got this!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Everyone has some limitations- disease, medicine, unsupportive people, stressful job, low income, sick kids, whatever. We all have to make do with the cards we've been dealt. Just don't give up- eventually you'll find your stride and be able to get there, even if your path is a little wonkier than the average user.