a tiny rant....



  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    Just a little tip from some PhDs regarding our love/hate relationship with our scales. If you are addicted to your scale and are compelled to weigh daily (mememememe), a good rule of thumb is to first weigh at the same time of day and under the same circumstances (e.g. w/o pjs after morning potty break... haha) then average all of those daily weights and use that as your weekly 'true' weight, as your weight WILL fluctuate daily due to many factors. Then, you can average your weekly 'true' weights and see what your monthly weight is.... This is a more accurate picture of where you are over time... It also takes some of the stress out of the fluctuations you might see daily so you don't obsess over it.... Just MHO, so always check it out for yourself! :o)
  • nannyal
    You have got yourself in a right two and eight. Maybe the scales need new batteries or just throwing away. You have done marvelous so far. :ohwell:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    of course your weight is different at night and in the morning... that happens to EVERYONE...

    and of course you weighed more when you were dressed... (though i am of course presuming you weighed naked ot start with)

    new batteries, then weigh 3 x and take an average. and only do it once a week or less!
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Everything about this post screamed "RUNNNNNNN FOREST...... RUNNNNNNNNN"

    So I'm going now. You've answered all your own questions ( get a new scale) except one..... And I'm going to listen to JENNY now... This is too much to early. A bit of advice to the OP. post your stats, and we can give better advice. Without that we just comment on your OCD.
  • ZumbaLin
    ZumbaLin Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for a smile. it's always better to laugh than to cry. The scale - baaah!!! I get addicted to it and it sure isnt always our friend. I always put mine in exactly the same spot. I like the measurement thing - that doesnt lie..
    That little baby will finally move again.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I actually wrote out last weeks weigh-ins, because I weigh daily too, simply because I find the fluctuations interesting.

    Wed 13th - 248.8
    Thurs 14th - 247.8
    Fri 15th - 247.4
    Sat 16th - 244.8
    Sun 17th - 246.6
    Mon 18th - 248.6
    Tues 19th - 247.8
    Wed 20th - 247.4

    As you can see, I ended up losing 1.4 lb at the end of the week on my 'official' weigh in day, but I got as low as 244 and then 'put on' almost 4 lb of that as the week went on. Your weight loss in never linear.

    If you are the sort to obsess over the scales, don't weigh daily, weigh weekly. And weigh at the same time!
  • BrenWOW
    My digital was throwing out random numbers in the bathroom- it was driving me crazy! So I put it on the kitchen floor, which is linoleum( not grout grooves like in the bathroom- maybe it was uneven), and it is fine now. So there it sits, in my kitchen, which is great when I want a snack- I have to pass by the scale to get to food! Lol
  • shelleyjo1970
    shelleyjo1970 Posts: 23 Member
    I have your scale... Or at least its evil twin. LOL. I am an addict when it comes to weighing myself. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will get there. Shelley
  • letbc
    letbc Posts: 27 Member
    I have totally been there, except that my scale has been known to say, "One at a time, b*tches!"

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    hahaha! Do you go to a gym? Can you weigh there just once a week?
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    K, all~~thanks for your comments :) I could easily try and address them all, but I won't. My rant was just that, a rant. I am well aware that in order to lose weight, I need to make changes in my methodology (Thank you to the poster who shared this bit of wisdom).

    Currently, I work out 5 times a week and I mix it up~cardio and weights (usually weights on Tue and Thur and cardio M-W-F, unless I do it the other way~sometimes I even do both in the same 24 hours~~GASP!). If you are on my friend list, you know that I am dedicated and am most always under or just a tad over on calories. I have MFP set to lose 2 lbs a week and at first the weight was coming off great guns~now not so much.

    Since Christmas, I have not lost weight, but lots of my friends and co-workers think I look slimmer and fitter and I can feel a difference in my clothing, my rings, my shoes, and most importantly my body composition. I have not taken measurements, but I am fitting nicely into a 16, down from a men's slack size 46 in one year.

    So the skinny of all this is: I am comfortable in my skin and continuing to log foods and activities. I also bought an HRM just last Saturday and discovered that my calorie burns at the gym are about 1/2 what I thought according to this. I have been eating back my calories according the machines, so this means these have been off for a very long time! No wonder I am not losing!!
    I have adjusted my intake accordingly and I do expect to see weightloss results over the next few weeks as a result of more accurate logging.

    And just for the person that asked if this was a "tiny" rant~if you know me at all, and I know that you don't (so you are excused), you would realize that the title was tongue-in-cheek.

    My tiny rant was written more to entertain and encourage than to complain...I love MFP and all my friends here and seek those moments you share that help me to relate to the fact that we all are working for a common goal and we all face struggles on the way.

    If my post encouraged you, GREAT! If not, I am sorry, please do not offense as it was meant in fun. For those who shared advice, thank you. I have and will consider any responses that might help me reach my goal. Negative comments will be ignored, just because THAT is the choice of the eternal optimist in me :)

    I hope everyone hits his or her goal for the day and may you be blessed with the body you are striving for!!

    Hugs to you all!
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Scales can be a PITA especially when you insist on visiting them often. My advice would be to track your measurements once a month and only weigh once per week. However we all create our own hells and I was someone who was addicted to the scale and it dictated my mood. Finally I figured out that I was doing myself no favors and was in fact making the journey a lot harder than it needed to be. My solution gave it up for lent one year except once per week first thing in the am. The only time I ever touch the thing. It's been a number of years but I did break the nasty habit.

    The bigger issue is you are stuck and no longer losing I looked at your diary (past few days)and though most days you seem under your calorie goal, you eat a lot of processed food, cookies, chocolate, protein bars. Lots of people can lose weight doing so, I am not one of those people especially since I hit 50. I have to stick to lots of lean protein, leafy greens, almonds for snacks. I avoid excess crackers bread etc. I'm now maintaining and have allowed myself some of those things to keep my calorie up and stop the weight loss.

    Maybe you need to reevaluate your food choices to kick start your loss. Best of luck!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Okay, for those who know me, this may seem a bit out of character (or not, depending on our sleeping arrangements~ask my hubby and you will get a completely different story!). This morning I have to rant...you see, I am the Eternal Optimist, I am your biggest fan, your cheerleader, the one who runs beside you on the tready at the gym when I am dying and says, "Come on, let's chase zombies for a change!" all the while, sweating like a pig on the chopping block...yeah...whatever the cost, I will pay it to help keep YOU going...

    This is a trait I have always had and I thank my mom and dad for passing this on to me!

    K---the rant:

    My bathroom scale is getting under my skin...It's readouts fluctuate like Grandpa's heartrate at a girly bar! Seriously....last night~and I know I shouldn't weigh at night or even daily, but I did, so there! Last night...I literally was up 6lbs from a previous weigh in...the scale has been climbing and people, I am doing all the right things....I exercise, I eat right, I watch you all losing 1 and 2 lbs a week and I sit here flirting with the same dastardly 3-5 lbs that I have since before Christmas...I am starting to lose my patience...sooooooooooo....when I got up this morning and weighed myself...back down below 330...okay, gotta love that, but how can it be???

    I move the scale a tad bit and climb on again...now I am 231.5....UGH! This is annoying, but I am thinking...okay maybe a few dust bunnies have collected around the feet of my scale...Turned him up on his bottom~low and behold, 3 of his little feet are dust bunny encrusted...okay...that is the prob. I remove the bunnies, dust the floor and replace the scale to it's proper home. Let me mention that I also wiped the scale with a damp cloth, just for good measure.

    I step gingerly on the scale once more and you will not believe what I saw!? Oh, the optimist in me would love to say that scale cooperated beautifully and I am now weighing the svelte 225 that my actions have earned, but NO! This scale (which consistently defies me)...reads.....104.8. To my tired eyes, this looked like 1048, not 104.8. I muttered to myself, "Obviously your life is over scale, today you get replaced."

    Alas, it is only as I sit typing this, that I realize, in my vigorous dust bunny eradicating wipe-down, I must have switched the units button from lbs. to kg....

    Giddy, I run to the bathroom to look...YEP...that is exactly what happened! YAY! I am not going crazy after all!!

    So, I switch it back, set it on the floor, and step on...I have now dressed for my workout and the rotten thing states..."Hey PORKY, you now weigh 232.5!"

    Folks, I am seriously getting frustrated here...I don't know what more I can do to get this scale to go DOWN!

    TODAY is Friday...my resolve is FRESH! This weekend I will INDULGE (in exercise) and keep eating (CLEANLY)! NO junk food shall pass between my lips or over my tongue and on Tuesday when I weigh in~~I will be THINNER than 232.5 in workout clothes in the early morn! This is my rant...and to quote my all time favorite actor, Tom Hanks, in one of my all time favorite movies, Forrest Gump, "That is all I have to say about that."

    Thanks for listening and happy losing!♥

    That's tiny? :)
  • shelleyjo1970
    shelleyjo1970 Posts: 23 Member
    Its fair to say that you could remind some that we are all here for the same reason. Weight loss support. You are doing great. Don't give up and personally I thought your rant was a little on the short side for me. I like to refer to my rants as B1T(H sessions. Good luck~ Shelley
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Everything about this post screamed "RUNNNNNNN FOREST...... RUNNNNNNNNN"

    So I'm going now. You've answered all your own questions ( get a new scale) except one..... And I'm going to listen to JENNY now... This is too much to early. A bit of advice to the OP. post your stats, and we can give better advice. Without that we just comment on your OCD.

    Funny, but I don't see anyone but you posting about OP's perceived OCD.

    Maybe you should run, Forest. You may be too judgemental for this forum. I understand the Chit Chat Board is ripe with the kind of sarcastic member-slamming you seem to enjoy.
  • GoldinaGrace5012
    I have always been told.. do not go by the scale, but how things fit and measurements. Its the truest measurements! Don't let the scale get to ya. Its like jeans. What size fits? Depends of the manufacturer, not the size on the waistband.

  • shelleyjo1970
    shelleyjo1970 Posts: 23 Member
    Good advice....:happy: