fitting pants

Is there anyone else out there that has a larger stomach but thinner legs? I need a size 22/24 pant so that it buttons and doesn't cause the muffin top but then they are HUGE in the legs and I look like MC Hammer - nothing against him of course!
In jeans, I can buy skinny jeans and it seems to do the trick but I wear dress pants for work and I'm struggling. I'm so happy I'm losing but looking sloppy just isn't for me - I've done maternity pants before and they were great (elastic waistband and thin in the thigh) but sadly I outgrew them last year before joining MFP... help!?


  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I blame the clothing manufacturers who think that if we need a size 22/24 then our legs must be huge too and my pants always look like bell bottoms. I always end up taking in the legs - I usually start about 15" from the hem and end up taking in the bottom by about an inch.