
does anyone ever wake up some mornings and just think "why am i doing this?" i've been using MFP for about a month or so (consistently) but have always been into the gym and trying to eat semi-healthy. now that i've been tracked, i've upped my exercise and concentrated a lot more on what i eat. when i look at myself in the mirror, i still see my same big hips and legs. it makes me think if it's all worth it to feel and look the same as i did when i wasn't paying as much attention to what i ate. anyone else ever have one of these days? what advice do you have to stop getting frustrated and keep pushing forward?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I tell myself "Did you GAIN all your weight in only one month? Why do you think it'll come off any faster than you put it on?"

    Then I think of my uncle who died at 45 from overeating and being sedentary, and my mom who is, basically, a dementia patient from complications of overeating and living a sedentary lifestyle. I think of the 32-year old female patient I had in my clinicals who was in the hospital recovering from a leg amputation from her diabetes, who was crying and begging me to bring her a regular coke with her dinner instead of a diet coke. I look in the mirror at the scars from my gall bladder, thyroid, and bone graft surgeries.

    Then I go eat a healthy breakfast and start all over again.
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    My scales are stuck! Although I have been under my calories goal almost everyday, the scales just won't budge. I don't think I'm frustrated, but I am irritated. haha. I've been at this for less than a month, I think, but I know in the grand scheme a month isn't very long. Think about a year from now. When you look back on last year, don't you wish you had started this then? Try to think about the good things. Like when I got dressed this morning, my pants were a little less painful and a little easier to button even though the scales told me I hadn't lost any weight. And I have heartburn a lot less than I did. I know the scales will move for me if I hang in here, and I know you will soon be able to see a difference when you look in the mirror if you hang in here. Is it worth it??? You bet. And you can do it. One step at a time. Try setting smaller goals for yourself and meet them one at a time instead of concentrating on the bigger picture.

    Hope this helps. I may need encouragement one day, and I hope someone tries to help me.

    Have a great day!
  • So true that it's not going to come off faster that you hoped :bigsmile: but just remember that anything worth doing is worth doing right! Just stay with it for another few months and I guarantee you will start seeing results. Make sure you push yourself a little more each time you exercise--not a ton, just do 5% more that you did before, and so on. You will really see the pounds melt off if you do that!
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    When I see the scale and it doesn't move, sometimes I get a bit annoyed, but I just think of how I feel now, verse how I felt before I started eating better. Also, I know that it took time to put the weight on, so it's going to take some time to get it off.

    Plus, I've noticed a pattern with my weight loss. The scale won't move for like 2 weeks, and then all of a sudden, "whoosh!" I lose a few lbs. Then, for the next week the scale will fluctuate 1-5 lbs a day, and then the week after that will stand still at the lessor weight from the previous week, and then on the third week I get that "whoosh" effect again.

    I think I worded that in an odd manner lol :/
  • wow thanks for the great advice everyone. it has already helped me have a better outlook. i forget to tell myself "it took how long for me to gain these love handles, it will take just as long to get rid of them". so thanks for that reminder!! i am currently around 129. started at 125 in high school, went up to 150 freshmen year of college. down to 118 and currently go between 129-133. ultimately i'd love to be at 124 or 125 and just FEEL better. i hope you all have a great day and keep on keepin' on!
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    When I see the scale and it doesn't move, sometimes I get a bit annoyed, but I just think of how I feel now, verse how I felt before I started eating better. Also, I know that it took time to put the weight on, so it's going to take some time to get it off.

    Plus, I've noticed a pattern with my weight loss. The scale won't move for like 2 weeks, and then all of a sudden, "whoosh!" I lose a few lbs. Then, for the next week the scale will fluctuate 1-5 lbs a day, and then the week after that will stand still at the lessor weight from the previous week, and then on the third week I get that "whoosh" effect again.

    I think I worded that in an odd manner lol :/

    Obviously, we bought our scales at the same store. Mine do the exact same thing!!!! LOL
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Stop looking in the mirror and weighing every day. It took a long time to put the weight takes time to get it off.

    I just tell myself to be patient and enjoy may be my last day on this earth.:smile:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    nope, not really, i get a HIGH from waking up at 4am, and going to kick some *kitten*, i look good, i feel good, and that makes me very happy!
  • This is why you should take progress pictures. I might not look perfect but I look a hell of a lot better than I did last year.
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    Yep, I've had that for a!! Measuring, nothing, scale, nothing. I just want to rip my hair out. I tried upping my calories, and I'm sure I'll gain 10 pounds from that. It makes me crazy!!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    This is why you should take progress pictures. I might not look perfect but I look a hell of a lot better than I did last year.


    In fact, today I noticed that my arms are looking way better than they were two weeks ago. And I wouldn't have realized that if I hadn't taken photos two weeks ago.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Stop looking in the mirror and weighing every day. It took a long time to put the weight takes time to get it off.

    I just tell myself to be patient and enjoy may be my last day on this earth.:smile:

    What he said.

    There's nothing wrong with all of the tracking and measuring and what not, just understand that it's not a linear process that you can just zip through. Keep in mind also that fitness and health are about so much more than just pounds and inches. Exercise and eating well over the long-term can lower stress levels, give you more energy, and help balance out your body's hormone levels. None of those things are technically visible, but highly beneficial. Stay the course. Measure, weigh, whatever, use it as a guide, but don't take it as gospel.
  • 35fitmomboss35
    35fitmomboss35 Posts: 5 Member
    i know what you mean it is very annoying. My thing is not eating as much. I was 145 when i graduated from Highschool and after two beautiful girls 5yrs later i'm at 170. I used to eat whatever i wanted when i wanted and how ever much i wanted. Now no way can i even think about doing it without gaining 5lbs cause i just don't get to move as much lol keep pushing on you will get there
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    First, you WILL see results in time.
    Second, NOT doing this means accepting where you are, and in all likelyhood, a slow slide in the wrong direction.

    Unless that's what you want, the only other real choice is to lace 'em up and keep going.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Sorry if someone already said this. Have you considered or have you tried weight lifting? If you want to change your body, that's (the best) way to do it.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    does anyone ever wake up some mornings and just think "why am i doing this?" i've been using MFP for about a month or so (consistently) but have always been into the gym and trying to eat semi-healthy. now that i've been tracked, i've upped my exercise and concentrated a lot more on what i eat. when i look at myself in the mirror, i still see my same big hips and legs. it makes me think if it's all worth it to feel and look the same as i did when i wasn't paying as much attention to what i ate. anyone else ever have one of these days? what advice do you have to stop getting frustrated and keep pushing forward?

    Yes. But then I remember how I feel when I ate fast food every day, and compare to how I feel now, and I feel great. Even if I don't lose anything, I feel better than I did before. Eating healthy and exercising has given me more energy than I thought I would ever have. Right now I'm stuck, but I'm fine with it. I'm going to continue eating healthy and exercising, because I feel great doing it. Sometimes, it's just that even if it's nothing else, it makes it worth it.
  • This is why you should take progress pictures. I might not look perfect but I look a hell of a lot better than I did last year.


    In fact, today I noticed that my arms are looking way better than they were two weeks ago. And I wouldn't have realized that if I hadn't taken photos two weeks ago.

    Pictures and measuring myself (waist, hips, neck, arms, thighs) are the things that really help me. I know that measuring doesn't work for everyone, though. Also, I echo adding free weights if you aren't already, or do something to change up your routine, since you already like the gym. Add a Zumba or Pilates or Yoga class. It's amazing to me how my body reacts to different forms of activity.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Sorry if someone already said this. Have you considered or have you tried weight lifting? If you want to change your body, that's (the best) way to do it.
  • You are always your worse critic. I do this all the time even though I have loss 40lbs. Eventually it will pay off. I have been on my journey since 2011 but I will not give up. Yes, it seems like my scale has been stuck for awhile but I feel much better. I'm not shopping in the plus size stores anymore. A friend of mines was telling me about a plus size store was having a sale. It felt so good to tell her I no longer wear those sizes anymore. So, keep doing what you are doing. Your weight will eventually drop.
  • thank you thank you everyone for the awesome input. i am not so much guilty of weighing myself everyday as i am CONSTANTLY staring in the mirror and analyzing every inch of my lower body. it is so nice to talk with people going through the same thing as i know my boyfriend and parents are sick of hearing the same story over and over again.

    i am definitely going to try taking pictures. that is a great suggestion. as far as measuring, i have always wanted to do it but can never find the tape measures (the loose ones, not like a metal one) i know that sounds silly but where do people buy them?

    i do very light weightlifting occassionally. maybe i should incorporate that a little more as i am looking to just knock off these last few pounds. good advice :)