Hypothyroid and looking to lose over 100lbs!

Hey peeps! lol!, I have been overweight pretty much since I was 10 years old, which is when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (body attacks thyroid gland).
The problem I have encountered with my thyroid issues, is that when my thyroid eventually goes out of whack, it takes me a while to realize it, I usually gain over 10lbs before I realize it could be my thyroid, and then once on the proper level of meds again, I would stop GAINING the weight but could never lose what I previously gained, and the cycle continued for years until I was as big as a whale!, I am 6ft tall as well, which I find makes me look freeky with all the extra weight lol!, and can barely fit into the plus size clothes that are out there!, as I am probably between a size 24 and 26 (or +4 to +6), and I have gathered that I have to lose aprox 190 or so pounds to fit within my healthy weight range!..so shameful!.
I finally got serious after my mom died (long painful struggle with breast cancer), I promised her I would quit smoking and try and lose weight, well I can say I have been smoke free now for 2 years and 1 month! yay!, but as for the weight...ugh!.
I tried doing the South Beach diet, and had amazing success for the first 2 weeks (lost 18lbs!), then nothing, and I continued in the stage 1 for another MONTH afterwards-NO CHEATING!, and didn't lose another pound!, my other half though lost 12 lbs in the first 2 weeks and he then went on the 2nd phase (where you can introduce some carbs) and he cheated CONSTANTLY and continued to lose the weight, well, I gotta say that watching him eating a bag of chips or munching on a slice of pizza really didn't help my motivation, especially since I wasn't seeing any more changes scale wise or measurement wise, so I gave up :S.
My next try was going on the Dr Oz website, and with that tool I started counting my calories (the site was REALLY difficult for finding the foods to log-I LOVE MFP for this!- what a HUGE database!!, and therefore not so time consuming!), and decided on 1515 calories a day and lost 50lbs in aprox 4 months!, wow!, that was the first time ever that I found I had control over my body!!, it was fantastic!, but then my metabolism started going to hell, I was CONSTANTLY constipated!, I consulted pharmacists, and doctors who all offered some type of metamusil-type product and it made it WORSE!, I would bloat up like a balloon!, then coupled with it being summer and having my 3 nephews staying for 2 weeks at our place. I got off the diet, and I eventually gained all the weight back...soooo ashamed!, but at least I know weight loss is now possible!, even for me!. I only wish I knew how to boost my metabolism!, as even now, I've now lost 11 lbs after dieting for almost 2 weeks (going on about 1600-1700 cals a day), and I'm already started to feel my metabolism slowing down...cold hands feet, tired, constipated..
Anywho, sorry for the super long story lol!, but maybe someone can relate?, or have advice?, I didn't make friends or search for support last time I lost weight, and I think that maybe getting that this time around might help keep me on track :D
Anyone interested in bein' my Pal? :D


  • Strudelady
    Strudelady Posts: 3 Member
    Kitteee, I noticed your post is from 2013. Are you still using MFP