Deployed and dieting, what a great combo.

Hey my name is Cameron, and am in the Army. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and play an active role in clearing the road of IEDs. I love my job, and I love working out. Recently, (2 months ago) I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. I saw my huge frame, (6'4" 260 lbs) and wondered what I am getting out of powerlifting only? What do I have to show for having no cardio and a huge bench. Yeah, 18.5" arms are nice, but if you are 18% bodyfat like I was, there is no point.

Dieting has been the main concern over here. Everything is either fried or cooked in butter. It is extremely hard to keep an eating schedule as well. To combat that I have jumped my cardio into overdrive and cut down portion size immensely at the chow hall. It has worked so far, 20 pounds down, 20 to go! Wish me luck, looking forward to getting to know like minded individuals.


  • Velv3tkisses
    Good luck! The last few pounds will be the hardest, but keep your mindset strong! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    Congrats on your success so far! There's a lot to be said for a good balance of lifting and cardio. Good luck on all your future goals. Feel free to add me if you are looking for friends. I log in a lot.

    Also, thank you for your service!
  • rachellefitz
    My boyfriend was a Marine so I know all about how the food over there is not conducive to a healthy diet. You can add me if you like, friends definitely help with motivation! Keep up the great work!
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    Great work on the 20lbs so far Cameron! Stay safe.
  • cwick56
    cwick56 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks all. You guys are wonderful.
  • babyluu80
    babyluu80 Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you for your service Cameron. And awesome job on vamping up the cardio on top of the strength training. I've been doing the same thing and am slowly seeing some results. I have to lose 35 more pounds to get into the healthy weight category. Right now, according to my doctor I'm in the obese category, even though I don't think I'm obese. My body is proportionate and I have big bones and more muscle mass than the average skinny woman. My stomach is not big and I'm very active, however I do have a lot of fat that I want to get rid of. My goal is to lose the fat and tone my body. I'm working out 5 days a week alternating between strenth training and cardio. The hardest part is the food but I've been doing pretty well with that. I can't imagine how hard it is overseas when you can't cook your own meals but good job on controlling your portions. You're looking very good!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Great job! Keep it up!

    I'm currently en-route to theater and chow hall food is one of my greatest concerns.
  • BunnieMommie
    BunnieMommie Posts: 680 Member
    First off, Thank you Cameron for all you do for us and our country! And secondly, AWESOME job on your first 20 lbs down! Keep it up and you'll hit your next 20 in no time!!!!

    Stay safe!!
  • cwick56
    cwick56 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you for your service Cameron. And awesome job on vamping up the cardio on top of the strength training. I've been doing the same thing and am slowly seeing some results. I have to lose 35 more pounds to get into the healthy weight category. Right now, according to my doctor I'm in the obese category, even though I don't think I'm obese. My body is proportionate and I have big bones and more muscle mass than the average skinny woman. My stomach is not big and I'm very active, however I do have a lot of fat that I want to get rid of. My goal is to lose the fat and tone my body. I'm working out 5 days a week alternating between strenth training and cardio. The hardest part is the food but I've been doing pretty well with that. I can't imagine how hard it is overseas when you can't cook your own meals but good job on controlling your portions. You're looking very good!

    I share similar issues. Stomach isn't big, just isn't shredded. Food is the hardest part. Thank you and keep up the good work
  • cwick56
    cwick56 Posts: 48 Member
    Great job! Keep it up!

    I'm currently en-route to theater and chow hall food is one of my greatest concerns.

    Janie, it depends on where your final location will be. If you stay on BAF, KAF, or JAF, you will be okay. They have a wide selection of food and do well to provide a balanced menu. It's the smaller FOBs and COPs you have to watch out for. What service are you in? What do you do? Message/friend me if you want. :)
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Cameron - it is totally awesome that you have taken control of your body and your eating in your situation. I know diet is always a big concern over there and you have taken charge.

    Stay safe