Overcoming Impatience



  • jsbieniek
    jsbieniek Posts: 76 Member
    I feel exactly the same way. My Zumba instructor reminds me that you didn't put it on overnight so don't expect it to come off overnight. Honestly, it's a good reminder but it rarely helps. And I also fall into the trap of watching what other people do and wondering how it is that I can't lose it as fast. Most of the people in my life are very supportive. Only one or two that like to tell me how I'll put it back on. The post about mini goals is terrific. I think that helps a lot! Good luck on your journey. We can all do this!
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member

    Don't forget to live now.

    You know that person you are now? Well when you are at goal, you'll be the same awesome person, but probably with much more confidence and you'll look even better. But it's not like you're nothing now. None of us are nothing. We have to all remember that. :flowerforyou:

    - - - Edited to correct typos.:embarassed:

    Loved your post, by the way. This is a very positive mindset.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    I look upon what I've done as a lifestyle change, purposefully look to the long term. I know my a better lifestyle the results will come.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I feel the same way. I have unrealistic expectations due to a good couple of week when I was losing 5lbs a week. Now that I am losing only 2-3 pounds a week I am always worried about what I am doing wrong. I am also worried about the future...what will I look like by the summer?...will I be able to continue losing weight?...will gaining muscle keep me at my current weight?...and of course the scariest question of all for me is whether I will be able to keep my weight down and not gain back the weight after I reach my goal. I think the more we think about our ideal selves the more upset we become about where we are now. I think a lot of people have these questions running through their head, especially those that have attempted to get healthy and lost the battle before.

    What do you mean "only" 2-3 pounds per week? That's still higher than average. Most people lose 1-2 pounds per week.
  • Heatherdawnxoxo
    Heatherdawnxoxo Posts: 60 Member
    Patience is a virtue of which i have none most of the time. Especially when it comes to this. It's hard to try and stay positive when the scale doesnt necessarily reflect what work we think we've done. Back in the fall when i really started trying to be more dedicated to eating better and working out i was dropping a minimum of 2lbs/week, that went on for about 8 weeks and i lost about 15lbs. Since that point i feel almost like I've been sitting at a standstill ...my weight seems to be fluctuating up and down about 3 or 4lbs for the past month or so ..never going up too much, but still never going down far enough to make me happy. Sometimes its just a roller coaster and you have to keep putting up with it to get where you want to be at the end.
    Things can get discouraging at times ..but we all must learn that it's all mind over matter.
    We can do anything
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I struggle with this as well. One time I put on my old pants and saw how loose they were. Patience and consistency is really the key to losing weight over the long term. I try and focus on keeping my food healthy and tasting good everyday and also on my daily workouts. Keeping myself busy has really been the trick for me. So I wake up early and when the kids go down a lot of times after some cleanup I do too. So periodically look back to see how far you've come and stay busy and just keep going.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I think we all struggle with it. I look at my weight every week and see a number that is much higher than what I used to consider my "limit." Instead of seeing what I have lost, I see myself well beyond the "fattest I will ever allow myself to get."

    My goal weight is still "overweight," and yet it seems like I am stuck forever at "morbidly obese." I just want the bowling ball and love handles GONE! Now!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    When I'm losing slowly or in a stall, I do have to tally up what I've accomplished and remind myself that this may not be the victory that I WANT to celebrate, but it is definitely a victory.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I stopped focusing on the end result. For me, there is no "end". It's not that I do stuff to reach a goal then stop all of it, I have to eat right and exercise forever and ever, amen. I have also learned that I can control my behaviors (what I eat and how much I exercise, etc.) but I cannot control when the weight will come off and/or when/how my body will change. So I focus on the things I control, set my goals to be eating right and exercising and let the results happen (which they do). Since there is no "end" for me, I'm no longer impatient to reach some arbitrary number/shape/etc. I do what I do and if I continue to do the right things, the results happen.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    This wasn't a problem for me this time, but it has been in the past. One suggestion is to set ultra-mini goals, such as drinking 8 glasses of water per day for an entire week or to exercise a certain number of minutes. When you reach these goals, reward yourself in a non-food way - treat yourself to an item or experience that is a little decadent. Or you can put money in a jar for each goal met and save up for something big! Another suggestion is to surround yourself with supportive people - both on MFP and in real life. It helps me so much to get the little WTG messages every time I work out or am under my calorie goal. And eating lunch daily with people who never disparage my choices or try to tempt me is also helpful. Of course, my husband (who is also on the journey) has been the biggest support, but that's hard to find! :) And my last suggestion is to focus on health rather than weight loss. Every time you choose lean meat, vegetables, etc. over junk, you are healthier, no matter what any scale or measuring tape says. Good Luck! You can do it!!

    Well said. Having a supportive spouse is such an important part of what I am doing.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    I definitely do. I'm fairly impatient and generally have unrealistic expectations. The 2 combined leave me discouraged at times when I should be pleased.

    I'm not sure what to do about it. It's a matter of keeping perspective, which for many is easier said than done. I saw this pic a while back and it's been one of my favorites.


    I always feel like that. I seem to forget the past when I am looking towards the possible future. Since my brother is my workout buddy, he always tells me I'm improving greatly. I don't see the improvements, I just see what still needs improvement. It is nice to have him around so he can remind me that I have made progress that I should be proud of.
    It's hard not to look forward to the future and get a bit impatient. In this day and age, we are not used to patience.
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    I definitely do. I'm fairly impatient and generally have unrealistic expectations. The 2 combined leave me discouraged at times when I should be pleased.

    I'm not sure what to do about it. It's a matter of keeping perspective, which for many is easier said than done. I saw this pic a while back and it's been one of my favorites.


    I always feel like that. I seem to forget the past when I am looking towards the possible future. Since my brother is my workout buddy, he always tells me I'm improving greatly. I don't see the improvements, I just see what still needs improvement. It is nice to have him around so he can remind me that I have made progress that I should be proud of.
    It's hard not to look forward to the future and get a bit impatient. In this day and age, we are not used to patience.

    It sounds like you've got a good brother.
  • Heatherdawnxoxo
    Heatherdawnxoxo Posts: 60 Member
    When I'm losing slowly or in a stall, I do have to tally up what I've accomplished and remind myself that this may not be the victory that I WANT to celebrate, but it is definitely a victory.

    ^ i like this!!!^
  • xxtaliaxx
    I have the same problem. I have come a long way but when I think about it, although I have lost over 30 pounds in the past 3 years, I still wear the same size in everything. That's depressing. And on top of that, being in the military and being slightly overweight, I don't have the time to take to lose weight. I have to be at my weight or below or I fail. We are constantly being poked and pricked at and taped and weighed and it gets stressful if you've been overweight (according to their standards; I can blow everyone out the water on my PFA). I'm still struggling with that whole mentality.

    I did, however, look at some old pictures of me before I stated losing weight and HOLY HELL I look ****ing fantastic compared to back then! I look athletic and fit now versus being chubby and having belly fat hang over my jeans! So although I don't see much of a change in my clothes, I still see it on myself when I compare. My pooch isn't as prominent as it use to be :laugh:
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Thank you for that picture, I like it a lot.

    I have no patience, so it is a constant surprise to me that I wake up the day after a five mile run and have not been transformed overnight into a size 10 svelte goddess :laugh: :laugh: