How come walking burns a lot of calories ?



  • wolf_tickets
    wolf_tickets Posts: 29 Member
    At high speeds, walking burns even more calories than running. It's difficult to walk really fast--It's not something we were designed for.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Back in 04, some researchers did a test on calories per mile. ( )

    Average man burnt 124 kCal/mile running, and 88 kCal walking
    Average woman burnt 105 & 74 (less mass on the women)

    Humans burn about 0.64 kCal/mile/lb, so the average male in the study weighed 193 lbs.
    So, they burnt 0.46 kCal/mile/lb walking.

    Over 6.2 miles, you'd have to weigh 350 lbs to burn 1000 Calories.
    To burn 1000 Cal over 6.2 miles running, you'd have to weigh 350 lbs.

    Or to put it another way, if you are "average" according to the study, it would take 11.3 miles to walk 1000 Cal (or 8 miles running)

    I would go with this.