Meal Suggestion? Need 800 Cal / 75gCarb / 15gFat / 35g+Prot

Hi all, been recording my calories fairly well for the past 2-3 months and I've noticed a trend in my BULKING diet for body building... My last meal always ends up with requirements similar to what I've listed above.

800 Cal / 75gCarb / 15gFat / 35g+Prot

I usually just make a smoothie with random things that get me closer to these numbers, but there are days where I get into this deficit while already having had a shake for the day (I hate having 2-3 shakes in a day, just doesn't feel wholesome).

TLDR/long story short: Does anyone have any good dinner ideas/recommendations that could come close to satisifying these macro #'s? (I'm a noob cook but willing to learn!)


  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Four hard taco supremes from Taco Bell should just about do it. ;)