Feeling dIzzy

So for the past week or two, I've occasionally started feeling dizzy and getting kinda like cold sweats like you do before passing out. The other day, I was on my way to class and had to stop to get a sandwich and some chocolate and sit down for a while because I was worried otherwise I would pass out. Today, I started doing some exercise but had to stop after a couple of minutes because I just feeling right. It'd be bearable while moving but the second I stopped a movement, I'd start feeling dizzy.

I generally try to eat healthy and I don't get hungry between meals (or else I snack, I don't like being hungry, calories be dammed). But through this, I've started getting into a pattern of going over my goal a lot for the past week just to avoid feeling dizzy. Most my exercise is walking and swimming.

Before seeing a doctor, I was wondering if there was something I am majorly doing wrong with dieting (because seeing a doctor is a pain (; ). All my profile should be open so I would be grateful if someone could have a look and maybe point out where I'm going wrong. If anyone else has felt similar, what did you do?

Stats: Female, 22, 172cm (5'7''), 95kg (209lbs). My goal is set at 1400 cal a day plus exercise cals. I literally don't get out of the house apart from to exercise so I always counted myself as sedentary.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Why would you assume it's food related? You're eating more than enough and not a lot of junk from your diary. Everything isn't cured by eating more. Not sure how much water you're drinking, could be a dehydration thing or you may have a medical issue that needs checked out.
  • 8Sam12
    8Sam12 Posts: 61
    Well, I've only been dieting for a couple of weeks so it seems like a major change that could affect my health, so that's why I've been wondering about it.

    I drink between 1l and 2l of herbal tea a day.
  • mklassy123
    There are so many things that can cause dizziness. That being said, let's start with the obvious, blood pressure. Have you cut out a ton of sodium and your blood pressure might be too low? Here we have drug stores that you can go into and use the self testing machines.

    You say you are not letting yourself get too hungry between meals, but maybe you really are and not realizing it therefore your blood sugar going too low?

    Make sure you are properly hydrating yourself by drinking the proper amount of water. Dehydration can cause dizziness.

    Google BPPV. It's totally benign but it sucks! I am suffering with it right now.

    Lastly, anytime something is "out of whack" you should see your doctor as no one here can diagnose.